Please Help Me!


New member
Hi, my name is Carolina, I’m a female of 25 years old, and I want to share with you my experiece. Last year, I wanted to lose some weight, I’m 5’1”, with an starting weight of 110 pounds, I had anorexia nerviosa on the past, so my first diet (started on June 2017), turn out to be a semi starvation regimen of 500-800 calories on average for two months, I lost 15 pounds, by August 2017, I was 95 lbs, with irregular periods, constant cold and hunger, It was unsustainable, and I didn’t want to become sick, so I started eating more, but food, protein and vegetables and lose another 2 pounds in a month or so, then I became low carb, lose 2 pounds more (ended up on 91 pounds on December 2017), then I read about ketogenic diet, so I became strict Keto for at least two months (January, February 2018), for the first two weeks, I lose and gain weight (mostly water) but I was really impressed by how much could I eat without gaining weight, but suddenly, I began to gain weight every week, also I have crazy cravings all the time, specially for nuts, my body was desperate for carbs, and I ignored it at all, I did intermittent fasting, skipping breakfast everyday, and ended up gaining more weight, 3 months went by, and the more strict I tried to be, the more weight I gain, also it doesn’t matter how much I eat, I was never satisfied, I gain at least 10 pounds, then I started adding carbs to my diet, and cravings stopped all together I also recover normal satiety levels, and my hair and nail starting growing back, also my periods became regular, now I’m 110 lbs again, and feeling really uncomfortable, I keep myself eating Whole Foods, including fruits, vegetables, legumes, lean proteins and whole grains, I recently started resistance training and cardio, on different days on the week, I’m trying to be patient and its really hard for me, I just want to know if someone has ever experienced something like this, and also, how long does it take to see results, because I’m being consistent with a healthy diet and exercise for a month and a half, and I don’t seem to lose half a pound.