Please Help Me

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Matt Stefanik

New member
A bit of background, I am a 16 year old male, 265 pounds I am 6 feet tall, I am fairly muscular for my age which could be why I am extremely heavy for my age but I have been struggling with weight loss for about 5 years now. My weight has become my main priority because my doctor told me my blood pressure is extremely high because of my weight, my blood pressure being around 150/80, I have tried supplements since I was 13 none have worked, I have tried the Atkins diet which worked a bit but it was too tough for me to keep up, I would eat eggs for breakfast and chicken for lunch and dinner and I only allowed myself to drink water, after that I could not do it anymore and fell back into my usually bad choices. Recently I have tried to eat a reduced calorie meal plan and have tried to work out doing cardio and muscle training, but I am a high school student who is learning how to drive and flunking many classes so I do not have time to workout because I drive a lot now with my permit and all and I have been trying so very hard to get my grades up, when I do get home from school I either give into my urges to eat, or play video games, or I just pass out cause I get like 5 hours of sleep each night and wake up at 5:40 am every morning. I am here writing this because I need help with my situation, why am I not losing weight, could be my metabolism, also could be the fact that I didn't give a damn that I was super overweight till the doctor told me about my high blood pressure. I feel like recently I have been eating around 2000 calories a day but most of what I eat is junk food, I am going to try to get back into the routine of eating barebones chicken and calling it a meal but when I do that I can not last I eventually give in every time. Any advise would be great, sorry for kind of rambling.
4 Reasons You Aren't Losing Weight

It's the dream of every person interested in losing weight to lose as much weight as possible within a short period of time. While some people attain their target weights within the set time, the majority of them don't. Have been exercising, dieting and doing all the right things and still can't lose weight? I understand that it can be very frustrating. If you are one of these people, here are some of the major reasons why you aren't losing weight:

You Have Hit A Plateau

Ask anyone who has tried losing weight and he/she will tell you that he/she has hit a plateau at a certain time. There are many factors that can result to you hitting a plateau. One of the reasons is engaging in the same workouts over and over again. Remember that your body needs to be challenged for it to progress. To avoid the plateau, you should change your program after very 4-6 weeks.

Another reason for the plateau is if you aren't eating enough calories. Research studies show that if you don't have enough fuel to sustain your level of activity, you will definitely stop losing weight.

Although, it's recommended that you exercise for you to lose weight, overtraining has been linked with a plateau. When you over train, you overwork your body and the body responds by decreasing a number of calories that you burn.

You Avoid Proteins

Proteins are not only important in building muscles, they also enhance the feeling of satiety. They also prevent you from losing muscle. The best way of taking proteins is taking them in your breakfast. Great sources of proteins include lean poultry, fish, black beans, and lentils.

You Are Inconsistent

For you to be successful in anything in life, you need to be consistent. There is no way you will exercise one day and then relax the other you need to be consistent. To lose weight you need to engage in both cardio and strength training exercise.

When it comes to cardio exercises, you should engage in interval training for 2-3 days a week. To burn more fat you should alternate between high intensity and low-intensity exercises while leaving enough recovery time.

Strength training exercises are aimed at helping you to build muscle. To make the exercises exciting you should engage in circuit training. This is where you do one exercise after another. In addition to building muscle, you increase your heart rate and burn a lot of calories.

To build muscles fast you should regularly challenge yourself. This calls for you to always lift weights that are enough for you.

You Have A Medical Condition

Medication conditions such as thyroid diseases will prevent you from losing weight. Thyroid deficiency will cause a reduction in the rate of metabolism which will result to weight gain. If you have a medical condition, you should visit your medical doctor to have it rectified.


These are some of the reasons why you aren't losing weight. To continue losing the weight you need to identify what is deterring you from doing it and fix it.
The Importance of Goal Setting in Losing Weight :D:D:D

A plan of action must be made in order to get a six pack abs, a flatter belly, and a sexier tummy. You can never rely on myths or even magic to make it look smaller for you. Losing weight is a mixture of sacrifice, discipline, dedication, planning, and hard work. Besides, the pyramids in Egypt were not built in only one day.

What then is goal setting?

  • It gives you a map or a plan of what you will have to do in life
  • IT lays down a clear goal or objective that needs to be achieved.
  • Noting down your goals and deciding on the steps that needs to be taken will actually help you get there.

Why is there a need to set goals?

Goal-setting plays a vital role in making your dreams, ambitions and thoughts become reality. Have you ever heard of people talking about their new year's resolution? I set up a new year's resolution year by year and I always do my best to work my way towards realizing it. Honestly, life can be boring without a direction or goals. It is something that gives us the purpose in this life. One good thing about it is that it will challenge you to become the person that you have always wanted.
If you have the intention of putting up your own house, the first way towards its achievement is a plan or a blue print modeling the design that you want. Without the blue print, your house may be built but it may be unsafe or unstable.

It is the same as traveling or going to a place for the first time. If you allow yourself to just drive and move along the path, you will probably end up being lost or going around in circles. You have to ask for directions to get to the place where you really want to go in the first place. Well, it could be worse; you probably might just run out of gasoline to still move on. What can sole the problem is a map that will tell us the direction to where we are heading.

In order to lose weight and get a flatter belly, a slimmer tummy, or a six pack abs, you will have to draw a plan towards its achievement. It is but natural for us to try to know where we are actually going.

Steps to realistic goal-setting:

It is but proper to set goals in every aspect of our life. If correctly done, it will give our life a sense of balance and fulfillment. Goals may be set for your career, family, health, spirit, fitness, etc.

The following are the steps in setting up a goal:

1. Find out what you really want in your life.
2. Focus on it.
3. Make sure that the goal is realistic.
4. Imagine it happening and see it coming.
5. Enumerate the details of the said goal on a notebook or a piece of paper.
6. Plan within a time frame. Separate the long-term goals from the short term ones.
7. Say it. Always remind yourself about it.
8. Avoid the negative and entertain the positive.
9. Maintain focus on your goal.
10. Never give up.
A bit of background, I am a 16 year old male, 265 pounds I am 6 feet tall, I am fairly muscular for my age which could be why I am extremely heavy for my age but I have been struggling with weight loss for about 5 years now. My weight has become my main priority because my doctor told me my blood pressure is extremely high because of my weight, my blood pressure being around 150/80, I have tried supplements since I was 13 none have worked, I have tried the Atkins diet which worked a bit but it was too tough for me to keep up, I would eat eggs for breakfast and chicken for lunch and dinner and I only allowed myself to drink water, after that I could not do it anymore and fell back into my usually bad choices. Recently I have tried to eat a reduced calorie meal plan and have tried to work out doing cardio and muscle training, but I am a high school student who is learning how to drive and flunking many classes so I do not have time to workout because I drive a lot now with my permit and all and I have been trying so very hard to get my grades up, when I do get home from school I either give into my urges to eat, or play video games, or I just pass out cause I get like 5 hours of sleep each night and wake up at 5:40 am every morning. I am here writing this because I need help with my situation, why am I not losing weight, could be my metabolism, also could be the fact that I didn't give a damn that I was super overweight till the doctor told me about my high blood pressure. I feel like recently I have been eating around 2000 calories a day but most of what I eat is junk food, I am going to try to get back into the routine of eating barebones chicken and calling it a meal but when I do that I can not last I eventually give in every time. Any advise would be great, sorry for kind of rambling.
Hi Matt,

One thing very important about losing weight is that, you need to be discipline. Without it everything is rendered useless. No matter how great a training course or eating system can be, without discipline, they won't make a change in your body physique.

Since you mentioned you are quite busy with schedule, i believe it is possible to squeeze out that 25 mins everyday to do fast and intense cardio that focuses on compound movement. Apart from that, you got to be discipline to eat right. Don't put too much time on video games or junk food, start to train and get your eating habit right (that means to eat clean), and you will see amazing result.
Hi Matt,

Fred here,

Can I ask, you said that you are fairly muscular for your age, could you elaborate? Do you know what your body fat% is? The reason I ask is that you also said you are "overweight" but the term "weight" can be viewed as a combination of fat, water, bone mass and muscle mass. It is quite a broad term.

Once I get that information I think I will be able to help more.

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