Please help me


New member
I need help,

I got of to a good here a few weeks ago. I posted everyday, you can check out my diary to see, and then I went on a business trip. One meal at a time I left my newly found willpower behind and resumed my overconsumption of unhealthy food.

I have gained back the weight I lost and now I feel lost. For days I have said to myself today is the day, get back with the program but I am unable to get through the day with resorting to a binge. I tell myself I need to get back to gym and exercise but each day I find some excuse not to go.

I have had my head in the sand, I stopped tracking my food on fitday, I stopped getting on the scale. I didn't need those tools to know I was failing.

My wife spoke me today about weight loss surgery. I don't know if this is the answer for me. For some it seems to work. I am afraid of surgery. I am afraid of what life will be like after. I feel like such a failure. I love food so much that even though I am miserable I am afraid to do something to myself that would possibly end my problems.

I don't know what to do next. I have battled this problem for more than 20 years and I am tired. I have had my successes along the way, but in the end I always failed.

I am sorry for this rant but I don't know what my next move is. I really don't want to give. I am unhappy and I desperately want to move forward.

Thank you for listening.
your next move is to take a deep breath and do some thinking about why you've gone off track...

Are you setting your expectations to high? are your calorie goals too low? making it difficult to stick to...

Weight loss surgery isn't the answer for you unless you're willig to undergo an dramatic lifestyle change... it's not a quick fix not is it without complications...

You can do this on your own if you are ready to...

Do some planning ahead of your daily meals keepingthem within a reasonable calorie goal - dependent on your height/weight/activity level.

Plan out osme simple exercises to get youmoving -then work up from ther - start wit a 20 minute walk a day.. and do that for a while.. then make it 30 minutes..

the real trick is to start somewhere managable... that you can keep up with and won't overwhelm you...
Thank you

Thanks for the advice. Sometimes, I guess I need to see from another perspective. What you say makes sense. Tomorrow is another day. I will try some modest goals and see where that leads me.

Thank you also for taking the time to reply. It helps.
Sounds like you just need to get back on the wagon. I don't think surgery is the answer. Too many of those people gain the weight back. Dr. John Berardi states that you only need to be 90% compliant with a diet regimen to get the maximum benefit. That's an encouraging though, right? This means you're allowed to have cheat meals within the week. Just make sure you stay around 90% compliance and you should be well on your way towards achieving your goal(s).
To me, I think you just need to take a breath and remember why you wanted to lose weight in the first place. Try to get back the motivation that made you want to lose in the first place.
If you can't get that motivation back this way...try looking for new angles. Mabye on the boards here.

Good luck to you...

Well on behalf of everyone here, let me offer you a great big hug. We've all gone off the bandwagon after those social occassions when more of a spotlight is put on the buffet table. And those wagons can be very slippery to get back on. One time when I was eating more poorly because guests came to visit, I found it took me a week or two to finally find my bearings again. The wagon I had to get back on seemed like it had oil spilt all down the middle and had no sides to it lol It was pretty hard.

You are definitely not a failure. You just enjoyed yourself on your business trip. It's natural. Now that you're back, it sure might seem that you can't get on track again but there are a few tricks you can use to help you eat more of those healthy foods.

1. Try to start walking 5, 10, or 15 minutes a day to get some circulation going. Walking like this will help you breath harder and that should curb your appetite for sweeter foods.

2. Set the times at which you are going to eat. And set many times to incorporate healthy snacks. So for instance, breakfast can start a 7 am, mid morning snack can be at 9 or 10 am, lunch at 12, mid afternoon snack at 2 pm, another snack at 4:00 and dinner at 6.

3. Buy some fruit that is in season so it tastes the freshest. Get some Gala Apples (they are crispy and juicy), some mandarins (great at this time of year), and some pineapple. Eat these after meals or as snacks. (If they make you feel hungry afterwards, eat some protein like cheese and crackers or have a peanut butter sandwich. A spoonful of peanut butter can be a great craving curber.)

4. Buy exotic fruit juices. Some nice ones are mango, pineapple, strawberry,
blueberry, and guava. Make sure the nutrition label on the side reads 100% fruit juice so you know there's no refined sugar in it.

5. Look at some exercise you have always wanted to try and start it on a low impact level. If it's weight training, you could start by buying some 591 ml pop bottles and lift those up and down 10 times (empty them out and fill them with water though, so you don't drink the pop lol)

5. Put plastic bags over everything that's candy or a dessert. This will cover up the label so the advertising isn't in your face all the time.

Well those are just some tips to help you start eating well again. We've all been in your shoes. And we're all behind you in your weight loss journey.
You can do it! :D
Its not failure

Edison took over 9000 attempts to create the light bulb. So when you fall of the wagon, don't kick yourself too hard. Figure out where you went wrong. Make a plan to avoid this, or replace it with a healthier option in the future.

Edision said every time he "failed" he had discovered a new way to NOT Make a light bulb. So you have discovered a way NOT to lose weight.

Try again. You can do it.
Don't give up. We all slip up.

Learn where u went wrong. did going on a biz trip feel like it gave u a license to eat, because no one was around? Were you bored and felt alone?

A failure, well if that is what you think, then guess what, we are all failures on here, because I for one and probably most here, have done the same thing.

One thing to think of is are u restricting yourself tooo much.

How about making Sunday your cheat day? Doesn't mean u go totally nuts,but u know if u want ice cream that day, bacon & eggs, do it.

This way, you don't feel as if u are totally deprived and when confronted w/ bad choices, like on the biz trip, maybe u wont go off on the food knowing u can have anything u want on Sunday. Just a thought.

Look, I just started last week and scrwed up on the weekend. Had problems even on Monday, but got it together Tuesday and doing it today. One day at a tiime.

Stay w/ your journal/diary, especially when u screw up, be honest, write it all down. Write down the emotions when u did binge and try to figure out what was going on, if anything. This way, if there's a pattern, u can recognize what makes u slip up and work on it.

One great big hug to ya. Keep doing it, this is all part of the process.
Just by scanning a few of your previous posts, I got the idea that maybe you're going too fast. People don't realize that food can be addictive just like drugs. Actually, people who are addicted to food release the same hormones and stuff as junkies who just got a hit. It's some serious stuff. With that in mind, if going cold turkey is too harsh, then maybe try a different approach. It looks like you are trying to completely switch immediately then you slowly slip back to your old ways. Well, lots of people have trouble with this in every aspect of life... druggies trying to come clean, smokers trying to give up cigs, alcoholics trying to stop drinking, heroin addicts, over-the-top sinners who suddenly get hardcore into religion, and yes, food addicts trying to change their diet. It's the same thing.

With that being said, I think you need to change small things, one at a time. This all-or-nothing mess will fail. It's already failed. Start off with something like your breakfast. For example, I noticed on one post where you were tracking your supposedly healthy new choices, you said you ate "an Orange, a Banana, Kix cereal, Skim Milk and decaf coffee". Is it really a big surprise that this doesn't sustain you? Kix? Get rid of it for sure. Where's the protein? Try eating eggs cooked in olive oil, without cheese, and I mean cooked naturally at home, not getting a sandwich from the 7-11. This will give you protein and different fats, which will make you feel satisfied. If you want cereal, trade out the Kix for Kashi.

Baby steps, that's where it's at. Make this one change and get used to it, then change something else. Next change maybe try to eat that fruit as a mid-morning snack instead of all at once for your breakfast. Just keep plugging away at it. Changing a whole plethora of things all at once will only make you relapse, make you confused, and feeling strange, as you've already figured out the hard way.
i use to delay the GO POINT like you...but believe me one day you will start so why waiting?good luck and GO.

As for that 90% compliance thing, if you don't you'll gain it back. There's a woman I work with who has gained 20-30 pounds since I met her after losing more than 100. She gave me some old clothes but needs them back...
Hello everyone, I am new to this site and to bloging. I am not sure how to ask a question. My question is about a different subject. Does that mean I need to start a new? I am not sure what to call it.
Thank you for any help you can give. Lee
Lostrefunds>> Yes just start a new post and name it something that will help people understand what you are wanting. So if you are asking a question about Calorie Counting you can call it "Questions about Calorie Counting"
MysticRealm thank you so much for your help. It was very kind of you to answer my question.
Thanks again Lee N