Sport Please Help Me!!!

Sport Fitness
im 15 and i hav been trying to cut and i cant stop eating bad food, when ever i have one bad thing im like stuff it ill start 2 morrow or next monday and its also destroying up my cardio and weight training cause i get into an attitute that ill do it tomorrow

my basketball coach has giving me a program to do everyday

pushups 100 reps (10x10)
situps 160 (20x8)
calf raises 200 (50x4)
mikan drill (20x4)
Dantley drill (20x4)
40 bank shots
block to block 20x4
ball handling drills

i really need to get into the habit of doin this every day can some one please give me an answer or give me a link with an answer me out !!!!!!!!!

Answer to what? Set goals, take a picture of yourself and look at it when you want to eat junk food.
If you feel hungry sometimes its because your dehryated. Drinks some water when you feel hungry between meals and drink water throughout the day.
Eat lots and lots of good food so that you are not hungry. In fact eat every 3 hours. If you are at school sneak a small snack between classes. I am sure that your diet consists largely of what your parents buy so ask them to buy more healthy foods. Particularly fast ones to ease cravings like carrots, tuna, cottage cheeze, and broccoli which do not need to be cooked. furthermore try to keep as much of the junk out of your house as possible. Once again this will be difficult because you are on someone elses diet living at home. I could never get my diet toghether until I moved out on my own. Now all my roommates cook big meals and I eat only my own meals. Everyone knows what in the house is mine.
There is really no better way to stay on track than to be well stocked on good food and then because you are always full -or at least never hungry- you won't need to grab a slice of cake or cookies. Junk has the unique benifit of convenience (no preperation required- it can stay on the kitchen counter). You must give healthy food that edge.

As for your workout routine, what is the problem? Do you just keep forgetting? Find a time that is available every day- put on sweats- then drink coffee- wait 15 minutes while your stomach rests and you get all psyked up- put on your favorite music- get it done.

Anything I missed??