Sport Please help me with my dieting

Sport Fitness
Alright, this is a typical day of what I eat, I'm using today as an example (it varys with different veggies and fruits)

Woke up-- 11 am Salad /w low fat dressing and an apple /w random steamed veggies

2 pm -- turkey sandwich on wheat bread with mustard

4:30 pm -- BIG Steak with green beans, baked beans and 2 slices of garlic bread

7 pm: An orange or grapes tonight with either grilled chicken or a ham sandwich

that may be it, but occasionally after running at about 10 pm I'll grab a small salad before sleep....

It's worth noting I'm 150 and 5'11, I'm looking for critique if possible. This is my typical weekDAY eating habit for the past 1.5 months, on weekend I drink at night so it varys... Let me know what you think.

(Last thing: I've been working out for about 2 months, I'm not going for a big bulky sly Stallone look, but a toned defined look, especially in my abs)
IT sounds like you are thin, and thats a good thing and your diet is good,but the DRINKING i would question. YOU did not say how much you are drinking on the weekends, a couple of drinks is not bad, but other then that=========SORRY NOT GOOD!
You should really consider having more carbs in the morning. Youve got the whole of the rest of the day to burn them of. but they are really important and will stop you getting hunger pangs thru the day.
Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a porper.