Weight-Loss Please help me with a food plan!



New member
Hey, I started my diet 1 week ago, I want to get from 278 pounds to about 180.. I also want to turn my fat into muscle..

I am 6ft 1, and my BMI is 38.
I used to have a calorie intake of about 4000, I lost control.
My intake over the last week has been no over 300 calories a day.
This is abit extreme and im really weak, I have started walking and we are starting the gym in a few week, could someone please write me a diet plan? OR help me with a basic day to day plan.. Im VERY STRICT and will follow it, I want a healthy happy future..
Have you read the stickied threads in this forum - based on your current height/weight - you probably want to be around 2500 or so calories a day.. 300 is unacceptable.

I've already suggested you get an account at or one of the 100s of food diary sites - that's really your first place to start.. and start weighing and measuring and recording what you are eating... you can't correct what you don't know you're doing.

As for a meal plan -there's no magic - eat what you like -within reasonable portions,.

Talk to whomever is doing the cooking in your household and doing the grocery shopping and tell them whar your goals are...

Fruit/vegetables/lean protein/whole grains -

The stickied threads will give you a ton of info to get you started..
You are going to hurt your body if you only eat 300 calories a day! You are litteraly starving yourself and your body will start absorbing muscle etc to sustain you! This is a big deal!

If your stricked, great! Do what Mal said. Get an acount that's free online, like fit day, and recored all your food. It tallyes up the calories for you. , is what I use, and it also tells you how many calories you should eat for your hieght, wieght, and gender. Basicaly so you don't have to do a formula to figure it out. Personaly they give you about 200 less then you should go, because 15 to 20% deficet in calories is as low as you should be going.

Loose your old mindset! You want to make it right?! You can do it, you just have to change a few things! Big people need more calories, just to survive! Even when they want to loose weight. You'll loose 1 to 2 lbs a week, but it's healthy, and sustainable! You can eat a lot of healthy food, to meet your caloric needs, it's actually amazing how much food I am eating and loosing weight. I have never felt better, I don't feel weak at all!

I don't really know what you want. We can help you better once you figure out how much calories you need. If you want help with food choices or something I'm sure we can give you sugestions, but we need to know how much calories you need.

Or just tell us your weight, gender,age,and activity level, and me or someone else will do the math and tell you how many calories you need a day.

I'm to tierd to post the formula tonight.....

Go eat something! Seriously!
I'm very concerned about you..... :grouphug:
Ok, I checked your other posts, and I'm really concerned. Your only 16, honey, your parents are probably worried sick! 300 calories are unexceptible, for anyone, at any size...

I did the calculations for you ok.. But listen I'm a mom, and my oldest is just a year younger then you, and I swear I would want to be involved as a parent with something so important.

I'm going to give you this information, and then I want you to share it with your parents, and I would incorage you to have them do some research online for you and double check my math, and possibley have a doctor supervise. "Dieting" is a bit different for someone your age. You are still growing, dispite how tall you are, you are still developing.

Ok, this is what I did, and this is the info I want you to share with your parents.

I went to to figure out how much calories your body uses even when you sleep. It came out to 2,132.2...

Then I took that number, and did the Harris Benedict Formula.

It's that number your BMR x 1.55 if your moderatly active which came to 2,976 calories

BMR x 1.375 If you are lightly active (which it sounds like at the moment you are) it came to 2,640 calories

Now that's the amount of calories your body needs to stay at your weight. Which I figured to be 278lbs... (1 stone equals 14lbs, your 19 stones and 12lbs).. If I'm wrong with this then the calories I said aren't right....

Ok, once you know how many calories you need to stay at your weight, you can take about 20% deficet (check with your parents, this may not be ok for a 16 year old)...

If your moderatly active, you need to eat 2,536 calories a day, and you will loose weight at a healthy rate, and be full!

If your light with activety, you need to eat 2,112 calories a day, and you will loose weight at a healthy rate and be full!

Drink water!

I am not an expert, and you or your parents should double check the math I am very tierd, but I hope you read this before you go to school tommorow! You need to be eating so much more... You will loose, without hurting yourself!

Please involve your parents with your journey! And we are here for you if you need us!:grouphug:

If you need help with picking out great food to eat, no problem we will help you!

First advice forget about BMI, its not by far an accurate method of measuring progress, trust yourself and what you experience. The solution is really simple although a lot of people try to tell you you have to do this and that and all kinds of stuff it really boils down to long term change in lifestyle , eat NORMAL healthy food and exercise effectively for at least an hour 3 times a week. Count calories if it motivates you but ask yourself, are you planning on counting them forever or is this just to get into a healthy permanent rutine?