Please Help Me Out

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Hello there, I have excersised my entire life and I even have big muscles and I'm only 15,
I'm 5 feet 10 inches, and the horrible part is that I weigh 275 pounds. About a week ago I had an operation on my right foot because I fractured it two years ago and my doctor said it never cured because of my weight. Well in school I have no problem with the chicks or having friends or even running, but I'm just very lucky for not having any sickness that I could get from being over weight or from being as young as I am. I just wanted to see if anybody out there knew a way I could lose weight after I can get back on my feet in about a week, but I can start playing sports or running in about 1 month which will not be any good for me. Well I believe and I know that you believe I need help but I just can't find anything to keep the weight off. I really hope someone out there can help me.
I would say honestly you are going to have to watch your food intake since you cant be active..maybe try seeing if someone has a rowing machine or something you can use that you only need your hands & arms for .... which would still be cardio. The calories are going to really matter w/ you not being real active... I hope this helps
... Can you swim? or did they say no water on your foot...cuz that is non impact & great exercise.
I agree with stoptheexcuses. if you are planning on dieting, maybe you can ask your family to help out? Whenever I'm dedicated, I tell my family to help out, and usually they're pretty good about it. We buy healthy food. My sister always says, "what about your diet?" Sometimes I listen to her... and sometimes I don't. :p Still, it makes me think about my food choices.

I think, if you can't do a lot of exercise, dieting is the way to go. Maybe count your calories until you can exercise again. As for exercises, maybe you could still lift small weights sitting down? :confused: Sorry, I don't have many ideas there. Good luck, and keep posting! Everyone here is very helpful! :)
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