Please help 14 year old gamer nerd

i need to lose alot of weight! i am 14,5'6" and weigh 130-140 pounds (my family doesnt own a scale i'm just rounding from last doctor visit) my friend is trying to change my image to i have to go from huskys to skinny jeans and from nerdy to cool!(also note we are in a tight situation for living so i need to know stuff like how many sit ups, push ups, etc.)

Thank you for your time in advance,
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I was in your situation when I was 14. I'd suggest that you focus on being active. Bike, skateboard, hike or walk, shoot some hoops every day. These activities burn calories and develop overall fitness. Supplement with some pushups, pull ups and sit ups. Don't wory about how many you can do today, focus on doing more reps each time. If you can do 10 push ups your goal is to do 11, then 12 then 13...Good luck and remember the key is to make it fun.
I was in your situation when I was 14. I'd suggest that you focus on being active. Bike, skateboard, hike or walk, shoot some hoops every day. These activities burn calories and develop overall fitness. Supplement with some pushups, pull ups and sit ups. Don't wory about how many you can do today, focus on doing more reps each time. If you can do 10 push ups your goal is to do 11, then 12 then 13...Good luck and remember the key is to make it fun.

This is what I was thinking as soon as I read the title. Don't worry so much about getting into a lifting program right now, not unless you have some major athletic goals in mind lying ahead. Just be more active. Play sports. And don't specialize in one sport. The top dogs know that this is not a good idea.

I will second focusing on more reps and add to focus on form also. If you're only going to do body weight work (not a bad thing), here's a list of good exercises:

Prisoner squat
Planks/Side Planks
Reverse Crunches
Pushup variations (close grip, wide grip, regular)
Pull ups*
Chin ups*
Inverted Rows (if at all possible)
SL Calf Raises
Assisted Handstand Pushups (look up handstand pushup; assisted would be putting your feet on a chair and getting into a "pike" position, then doing it)
*You'll need a pull up bar for those.

Look those up on youtube if you need. If you don't understand, come back with questions. I'll be happy to help :)

I'm going out on a limb here but judging by the user name and "gamer nerd," you're a male? If that's the case, you do NOT need to lose a lot of weight. Especially are your age. You'll be very unhealthy if you do. You're pretty much right where you want to be. You just need to change your eating and exercise habits. Notice is first; that's because it's more important :)
I just checked your bmi according to cdc, and your bmi is 22.6 within normal range..You are at a healthy wieght..If you want to loose a couple of pounds fine..But you mentioned wanting to loose a lot of weight to get into those skinny jeans...Please consider your health before a fashion trend and opinions from your friends about what is cool...Your wieght at 140 is healthy for your age and height...Besides, those "new" skinny jeans, we old timers used to wear them in about the 80's and we called em tappered legs then...They really aren't that cool!! Love yourself for who you are and stay healthy...Best of luck
BMI is a terrible indication of health status. I'm not knocking on you sjake, I'm just saying. You should never use that. It's just height and weight. It doesn't take lean body mass into account at all. I have no clue how that ever became the "standard" for measuring healthy weight or obesity.

Body fat is really what you need to know. That being said, I still think he is in an average healthy weight range, though that's another measurement that has the same giant flaw as BMI. As a general guideline though, you're where you want to be as far as weight goes Zombie, at least right now.
bmi is a terrible indication of health status. I'm not knocking on you sjake, i'm just saying. You should never use that. It's just height and weight. It doesn't take lean body mass into account at all. I have no clue how that ever became the "standard" for measuring healthy weight or obesity.
Qft. :D
yeah just do as the guys are saying and don't get hung up on it, because, after all you are in the healthy weight so.....
Just live a more healthy and active lifestyle, you're young and you can engage in practically anything. At such a tender age, you have a whole lot of potential to excel in a lot of things. And of course, never ever forget that diet and exercise go hand in hand.
wuts wrong with being a gamer nerd

:beerchug: and old school