please give advice, im so desperate


New member
I tend to binge all the time and it's gotten to a rediculous point. I went from a 110 that I was miserable at to 118 which is A LOT for me.. I've never been that heavy in my life and for someone that has a body type where its healthy to be 100 I feel completely terrible and desperate.

I can't stop binging and I'm a late night snacker and a lot of the time I'll purge which doesn't even do much except make me feel awful and slow down my metabolism even more.

My biggest question.. Why do I keep doing this to myself? I end up in complete hysterics a lot because I am so depressed and I'm driving myself crazy.

**Does anyone have any advice?** I drink a lot of water already so I'll feel full and have tried so many different things but nothing seems to work. I'm not eating out of hunger, I'm eating out of boredom and habit.

This needs to end.
hey there and welocme, my advice, as someone who loves to binge as well is to try and DELAY it, i know this sounds flakey but try it. Say to your self ok i can have all of this cake chips whatever it is in 5 min. time it on the microwave it you want to, after the 5 min if you still feel the urge do 5 more min, if you can't stop the feeling i guess go for it, but most likely just the mental awareness of trying to stop yourself will work, it usually does for me, (usually, not always, hey thats why i am here) but good luck and i hope others give you some more advice to
Well, I've been there and done that! It was worst for me when I was away at university and became a night owl, and that's when cravings were the worst for me. They can be all consuming, can't they?

The things that are different for me these days...I don't have the junk food in the house, I try to have a regular routine and get to bed at a decent time (I can't snack if I'm sleeping...) and maybe even eat dinner a little later..not sure if any of that is useful to you. For me, the biggest thing was being up late...that seemed to trigger it.
just have to control yourself.

go look in the mirror, naked, and hold the food in front of you.

ask yourself what you want more.

jump up and down a couple times and watch the flab bounce. do you like that, cause if you eat those foods, youll get even bouncier.

if that doesnt work, get out of your house. grab your tunes and just walk until you forget about it. if that doesnt work, write.

write down why you want to eat and what will happen, and read it over and over until you dont want to eat. if that doesnt work

well, you just dont want it bad enough yet, and its happened to all of us.
I LOVE TO BINGE 24/7 mostly chocolate or anything that has to do with chocolate. I've been doing good without any chocolate for 12 days, I've decided that i will no longer be chocoholic.
And look honestly, if you are doing it out of boredom, make yourself get up and do something, clean the house, go outside take a walk think about how you are going to stop binge eating. Play sports, read a book. I know this because i eat when im bored too and since im stuck in the house most of the time with a 8 month old i have to find soemthing to do or else ill eat everything in the house and everyone else would starve. I usually will read a book or come on here if im REALLLLLLLY craving something not healthy and i just have to tell myself "Is it really worth eating whatever just for 5 minutes of satisfaction that will leave me miserable for the rest of the day" so just try to get a hobby.
First off, I have to ask you how tall you are and what your age is.. Your current weight is very low as it is... are you sure that you are seeing things clearly about yourself...
thank you so much you guys! i love all of the suggestions and the fact you made me realize im definitely not alone in this.. i'm definitely going to try all of them! :)

i'm 15 and 5 feet tall with a decently small build.. i stopped growing height wise a couple years ago and am absolutely sure i wont grow more than another inch (sadly). seeing how i've always been pretty naturally small, all of my doctors were never concerned when i was 98 so i feel getting down to anywhere from 100 to 105 is perfect.
Seeing that you are 15 yrs old, I have to ask have you talked to your parents about this. Don't do this to get attention, it will lead to horrible things when you are older. Chances are your body is lacking in nutrition. When your body is lacking proper nutrition it tends to want sugary, sweet foods, for fast energy, but the energy does not last because it was empty calories you put in your body. Talk to your parents, investigate different nutritional supplements with them to find what you agree is the best, be diligent enough to take the vitamins everyday & see if that does not help.

The other thing is don't judge your weight by the scale, judge it by your clothing size, because muscle weighs more than fat. It is muscle you want. Ponder what I said & talk with your parents.
I agree with rfire, after all being careful about what you and what you DON"T eat will help you in the long run.
well my parents know and id never do this for attention.. attentions the LAST thing id want..

i gained a lot of weight from medications and stomach problem that slowed down my metabolism a lot.. because of the stomach problem i mostly eat fruits, vegies, whole grains, and protein... i have to. my diets pretty good but its the binging (mostly on fruits) that are bringing me down a lot. i do admit i also go for the bad food when i can
Honestly it sounds like a great multivitamin might help. Fruits are high in sugar & you already said you go for bad food. Your smart go for an equal amount of carbs & protein or stick with a little more protein than carbs.
thanks! thats a really good idea :)