Hi everyone. I've just registered with the forum with the aim of trying to get some clarity on my fitness regime. Obviously, I'm no expert in this area and hope generous folks here can share their knowledge and try to point out any problems with my regime and plans. First and foremost...
What is my objective? Well, the problem is most of my fat is concentrated around my midsection including my behind, thighs and waste. This obviously makes me look more disproportionate than I should be. This is the main reason I wish to lose weight and get fitter because I find it very embarrassing to walk around in jeans when they make me have this disproportionate figure. So, I guess at this stage I should post my stats to give you an idea of where I am.
23 years old
193.6 lbs
Bodyfat - Unknown
Waist - 36 inches
My initial diet, from only a few days ago consisted of the following:
Meal 1 - 11:00 AM
Large portion of cereal (not the good kind) with full fat milk.
Between Meals - Snacks of some sort such as biscuits or crisps.
Meal 2 - 1 PM
Two slices of white bread, covered in margarine and topped with ham and lettuce. Usually with a full glass of milk.
Between Meals - Snacks of some sort such as biscuits or crisps.
Meal 3 - 5 PM
3-4 Scoops of Mashed Potatoes, a Meat source (mostly chicken, beef or lamb) and Green Vegetables.
Between Meals - Usually always a bag of crisps and a couple of sweets.
Meal 4 - 9:00 PM
Slice of Cake, 2 Sandwiches (White Bread) with Ham and Lettuce.
These would have encompassed the main meals of the day but later, maybe after 10.30pm, I would start again with more snacks, sometimes frozen meals or more milk as I wanted something to tie me over till the morning. I also did little exercise, maybe on the treadmill twice or three times a week for 30 minutes. This was my diet continuously for many years until about 3 days ago when I changed it for the following:
Meal 1 - 10:00 AM
1 Weetabix with a little milk.
Between Meals - No Snacks.
Meal 2 - 1 PM
Two Eggs.
Between Meals - No Snacks.
Meal 3 - 5 PM
1 Scoop of Mashed Potatoes, Lots of Green Vegetables and a Meat Source.
Between Meals - No Snacks.
Meal 4 - 9:00 PM
Tuna with Wholemeal Bread
Later in the evening, I also avoid any snacks and might try an apple, but try to avoid bananas as they are high in calories and full of sugar so I don't want to give myself a sugar rush like that before bed. Usually, I'd sleep at 1am. Plus, I've also engaged in exercise, doing about 40 minutes daily on the treadmill. The machine usually registers a loss of between 350-400 calories for this 40 minutes at the moment. I'm disappointed because I'd like to lose about 600-700. I can't go to the gym so rely on my exercise at home with the machine. I've also started to drink water, usually between 5-7 glasses over the whole day.
So yeah, I think I've included all my details so I hope this is of some use. As I said above, my objective is to lose weight, especially around my mid-section as I'm tired of wearing larger jeans to accommodate this. I think I'm overweight anyway with a BMI of 27 so I have to lose the weight irrespective of this.
Anyway, I also would like comments on my new diet. My old diet seemed to be lacking in protein so I've tried to accommodate for that while I've tried to cut carbs to a limit somewhat. Anyway, I'm no expert, so I look forward to your response and thanks in advance.
What is my objective? Well, the problem is most of my fat is concentrated around my midsection including my behind, thighs and waste. This obviously makes me look more disproportionate than I should be. This is the main reason I wish to lose weight and get fitter because I find it very embarrassing to walk around in jeans when they make me have this disproportionate figure. So, I guess at this stage I should post my stats to give you an idea of where I am.
23 years old
193.6 lbs
Bodyfat - Unknown
Waist - 36 inches
My initial diet, from only a few days ago consisted of the following:
Meal 1 - 11:00 AM
Large portion of cereal (not the good kind) with full fat milk.
Between Meals - Snacks of some sort such as biscuits or crisps.
Meal 2 - 1 PM
Two slices of white bread, covered in margarine and topped with ham and lettuce. Usually with a full glass of milk.
Between Meals - Snacks of some sort such as biscuits or crisps.
Meal 3 - 5 PM
3-4 Scoops of Mashed Potatoes, a Meat source (mostly chicken, beef or lamb) and Green Vegetables.
Between Meals - Usually always a bag of crisps and a couple of sweets.
Meal 4 - 9:00 PM
Slice of Cake, 2 Sandwiches (White Bread) with Ham and Lettuce.
These would have encompassed the main meals of the day but later, maybe after 10.30pm, I would start again with more snacks, sometimes frozen meals or more milk as I wanted something to tie me over till the morning. I also did little exercise, maybe on the treadmill twice or three times a week for 30 minutes. This was my diet continuously for many years until about 3 days ago when I changed it for the following:
Meal 1 - 10:00 AM
1 Weetabix with a little milk.
Between Meals - No Snacks.
Meal 2 - 1 PM
Two Eggs.
Between Meals - No Snacks.
Meal 3 - 5 PM
1 Scoop of Mashed Potatoes, Lots of Green Vegetables and a Meat Source.
Between Meals - No Snacks.
Meal 4 - 9:00 PM
Tuna with Wholemeal Bread
Later in the evening, I also avoid any snacks and might try an apple, but try to avoid bananas as they are high in calories and full of sugar so I don't want to give myself a sugar rush like that before bed. Usually, I'd sleep at 1am. Plus, I've also engaged in exercise, doing about 40 minutes daily on the treadmill. The machine usually registers a loss of between 350-400 calories for this 40 minutes at the moment. I'm disappointed because I'd like to lose about 600-700. I can't go to the gym so rely on my exercise at home with the machine. I've also started to drink water, usually between 5-7 glasses over the whole day.
So yeah, I think I've included all my details so I hope this is of some use. As I said above, my objective is to lose weight, especially around my mid-section as I'm tired of wearing larger jeans to accommodate this. I think I'm overweight anyway with a BMI of 27 so I have to lose the weight irrespective of this.
Anyway, I also would like comments on my new diet. My old diet seemed to be lacking in protein so I've tried to accommodate for that while I've tried to cut carbs to a limit somewhat. Anyway, I'm no expert, so I look forward to your response and thanks in advance.