Weight-Loss PLEASE break down the "VITAMANS"



New member
Ok I wanted to add vitamans to my diet because I currently don't take any,
so I go to the store and see a HUGE isle of VITAMANS.......:confused:
I see everything from Vitaman B 2,4,6,12, plus some more letters from the alphabet to bee pllen,cod oil,flax seed oli,and some other off the wall stuff I haven't heard of,so I look at the "MULTI VITAMAN" bottle and it has alot of the Vitamans just not as much Milagrams as say I buy vitaman B by itself ect.

BOTTOM LINE Which vitaman is a MUST have and will a MULTI VITAMAN do the trick???:toetap05: TY bunches I could of GOOGLE searched but I figure alot of you's have taken or know from personal exspeience on whats what?
In most cases a multi is all you really need. If you are eating a lot of the right foods, you don't even need that, but when dieting it is good to take one I guess to be safe.

If you are going to take one, just get a good multi. Only other thing I might recommend is fishoils because of the several health benefits. If you are eating healthy, I personally would recommend them over a multi.

Just look at the ingredients list on the multi and make sure it isn't loaded with filler. A lot of them have a hardened coating and barely get broken down by the body and you pass them before they are even fully dissolved.
TY bunches FALCO...I should have went with my gut and bought the multi vitaman,another thing was I hear some certain vitamans can give ya energy which I can use some!
B (either 6 or 12 I don't remember which) can give increased energy -they are also highly reccommended for people who suffer from symptoms of PMS...

but your best bet is to get it thru foods -your body takes what it needs then eliminates the rest and you can end up with very expensive pee if you're taking vitamins you don't need.

If you're tracking your food thru any online program -you can see what vitamins you're deficient in.. then go to The World's Healthiest Foods and find the foods that are higher in a particular vitamin...
Pretty much what falco said. I take a shitlot of supplements, but most of them aren't really necessary. If you want to be *sure*, then use a program to track your eating and figure out all your micronutrients (vitamins/minerals, versus macronutrients - proteins/carbs/fats).

I will adjust what I eat on the fly when my program tells me I'm short on something (usually potassium, calcium or monounsaturates), but that's taking it a little far.
the problem with trying to track postassium - it's not a mineral that manufacturers are required to report in nutrition info - so you could quite possibly be getting more than you think you are...
the problem with trying to track postassium - it's not a mineral that manufacturers are required to report in nutrition info - so you could quite possibly be getting more than you think you are...

True, but I think I'm okay. Anything I eat that wasn't prepared by me (and therefore analyzed the crap out of - I am a nerd) has potassium info on it. It isn't really an issue for most people who are actually eating whole foods (the new thinking is more = better), but a fair amount of what I'm eating at the moment is low-potassium supplemental stuff. I'll be switching to a ketogenic diet very shortly here, and it should no longer be an issue. If it even is now. Meat, so much meat. :D And cheese. And eggs. Mmm, can't wait. But a lot of people who are subsisting on highly processed foods may be lacking. It's quite a serious deficiency in terms of performance, both mental and physical.

Edit: Also, I just noticed that I basically repeated what Mal said. Couldn't see her post at the time. T_T
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Thanks everyone,I eat alot of meat and fruits and veggies so I may be ok with all that I am noticing in my menues I may be lacking CALCIUM I rarely drink milk and when I use fat free or reduced fat cheese it is usually a pinch or 2? Also Iron I am assuming a little low there because I am noticing that I am bruicing easily and not knowing how.I hopped in the shower and when I got out I noticed like 6 bruises on my legs?So I always heard that could be linked to low iron..
bruising is often related to low levels of potassium and vitamin C...

eat bananas and oranges....

Keep a food diary for a week or two - and see where you're deficient...

Other sources of calcium include: canned fish with bones, nuts, fruits, vegetables, dried beans, rice beverages, molasses, some leafy greens, calcium-fortified foods and beverages, and soy products, including tempeh.

Check out whfoods for more specifics
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Magnesium...I'm doing a ton of research on it. Nearly everyone is deficient in this extremely important mineral. I highly recommend reading "The Magnesium Factor" by Mildred S. Seelig M.D. MPH

As our soils become more depleted from over-harvesting without replacing minerals back into the earth, our fruits, vegetables etc. typically do not contain the vitamin/mineral/nutrient richness they once had. Magnesium gets hit hard.

Without adequate magnesium to fill cells, calcium takes it's place, calcifying and hardening (creating plaques etc.) all over your body, including your heart, muscles, blood vessels and so forth.

Magnesium is the balance of calcium.

B6 helps absorb magnesium.

Personally speaking, I have had an constant irregular (and often scary) heartbeat for years.
Magnesium supplements have completely stopped this for me. I don't feel my heart jumping around in my chest, breathlessness (and choking, because my heart stops for a few seconds, when it stopped so did my oxygen!)
Also, my energy and feeling of well being has dramatically risen.

I highly recommend doing some research on this for yourself (and anyone else who is interested)...I know that this miracle mineral has literally saved my life.

Good luck!