plastic bag ??

one of my friends told me to wear a trash bag around my upper body when I run or train, is it worth doing that ? I wore it today and ran for 30 minutes @ 7 mph, for a total of 3.25 miles, when I was done my sweats were soaked in sweat, it actualy felt good, but my question is does it help in any way ?
thanks alot, I most definitely will do that. No wonder I sweated so much.
This is a fantastic technique to get certain athletes, i.e. boxers, down to target bodyweight in a very short period of time. Unless that applies to you, I'd steer well clear as has been suggested.
yes that's all water weight. I used to do that for wrestling to shed a few pounds before a match. It doesn't make you any faster or work any harder though, it just makes you sweat more. As soon as you drink a glass or 2 of water, you gain all the weight back. So, its pretty pointless unless you're trying to make weight for a sport.