Plantar Fasciitis?


New member
I just started exercising again. I exercise 4 days a week, and then take 3 off to spend with my boyfriend on his weekend. The other day we went somewhere and I walked around in heels for 5 hours. We also went out today and I was in those same heels for maybe an hour or two. When I got home, I realized something was wrong with my foot. After I googled it, Plantar Fasciitis seems to match the closest. My question is, aside from cold compresses and heat soaks, which I've been doing, is there anything else you guys do that helps? He goes back to work tomorrow so I'm supposed to exercise but it hurts really bad, I've even been limping today. Could I keep doing compresses and soaks, then wrap it and see what happens? Good idea? Bad?
I'm no expert so I looked on Wikipedia. They say stretching it and massages can help. If the pain persists I would see a doctor. Its possible its what you say but could be something different also.
If its causing you pain I would take a few days of from sport.
There is nothing wrong with taking a break if your not up for it.

My husband is a sports freak and gets miserable if he misses a day but even he will take a break if he has a sore knee or a cold. He had a weeks break once due to a sore foot. The doctor never said what it was but maybe it was similar to what you have?
I have had plantar fascitis for many years (including several surgeries to lengthen tendons & remove heel spurs). The pain is truly awful and hinders exercise for me (making weight loss very very hard). However: i'm trying (yet) again.
If this is the first time you have this pain then rest is the best.... if the pain doesnt go away then you should visit doctor: cortisone injections can definitely help (sometimes the pain increases for 24 hours sometimes not).
Shoes with good support (i find that Birkenstocks are the most comfortable) are way way better than heels.
I get heel spurs and the Chiro said they were similar. I used a golf ball and massaged the area, I did tape it and that felt good. The drug store had some shoe inserts for it too and that worked nicely.