
Hello my name is sergei, im new to this site/forum.

I came here cause im look for advice on working out. But morespecifically im looking for workout routines for a 14 yr old boy, that is heavy on football, i want to play college 'ball.

I suck at planing, organizing, ect.
i dont have any workout instruments available, i go to bording school. i do have dumbells though.
I want to get BIG, FAST. for sumer camp, then next yr's season.

Im about 5'6-5'7 and weigh 125. what is a probable weight by june, if i bust my @$$ to its peek. not to much, I DO NOT WANT TO STUN MY GROWTH

My main focus is pecks and shoulders

ive tried creatine, every one said that was a no no, so i stoped.

can anyone create a program for me? greatly aprreciated.

just pulled up a program from the internet, it's called WORKOUT GENERATOR.
just type in the sport, for running. type in the target exercise areas, what tools u have, i.e. dumbbells.

Get it from this link
at my school sports are mandatory so we just do other sports. i try to go to the rink at school or the pool and lift there. but thats hardly ever available. im gonna start jogging in the morning and lacross season is starting so that will be a bit of a work out.