Places to purchase supplements?

Where's a good place to purchase protein powder or any other supplement to aid in weight gaining?
Online and In a store...

I am only considering purchasing those that do not harm my body.

thanks! :p
stuff online is cheapr than in the stores in my area most of the time so i shop at ...

they have a lot of natural producs with no side affects but there shipping times can be slow sometiems
I've used for several years now. I've never seen their prices beaten by a retail store (especially not GNC)

Abear just turned me on to - a site that will let you customize your protein blend, and it's still cheaper than the crap GNC sells. They also have pre-made protein so you don't have to learn how to create your own blend right away.
Thanks for the links. You guys are good!

surfingthrough them, I found :

Anyone use it? Does it seem good? Is there anything better on that website? (thanks malkore)
I use EAS whey protein. What you linked to is the same stuff, but with added carbs. If you are looking to bulk up, that'd be good stuff. EAS is a reputable brand.
someone posted a site on another board

you type in a price and another website and they beat it by 5%. but the shipping looks kinda rough

I recieved the product today, and as I was reviewing the container, I found that it said "Best By 05/04" (Expiration date)
<that's the product.

I called the company on the container, and they said it should be fine.
Then I called the place I ordered it from, and the man said, "Yea, it should be Ok, I use it myself, but they dont make anymore of it"

I was just wondering what you guys think before I actually try some of it?
Hm. I haven't seen that product in a while, yeah, it's discontinued. Let me see if I can get a hold of EAS and see what's up.
They have there own brand, Body-Tech, which is like a generic brand for supplements. Great pricing. You may want to look at the Tech X protien shakes for after working out for bulking up (50 grams of protien, Splenda sweetener, 14 servings for 17 dollars). Great stuff.

Also...believe it or not... has great pricing as well.
I didn't want to take any chances with my health, so I returned the powder. My health is more important to me, and I would not take anything that would cause risk.

So I took a little trip to GNC and found two things that may help gain weight. They had Creatine powder and Protein powder. I couldn't find them on the website, but they were white containers. I am not concerned about price at all and I would rather shop in store now. Which would be more effective in weight gaining?

Sorry I couldn't get back to you, been pretty busy.

You'll find from most people here this simple truth:

GNC = ripoff

If nothing else, try to find an independent local retailer.

Protein is used to rebuild your body (for weight, this would be for the muscles), and creatine is a naturally occuring nutrient that is used in energy production in the muscle.

So one isn't better than another, they do two totally different things that CONTRIBUTE to weight gains. You can't gain good weight without protein. You get a better workout with creatine.

If you had to choose between the two, I'd spring for the protein (unless you get a significant amount of protein from your diet, in which case I'd get the creatine). Protein is the building block of the muscle that's going to boost your weight.
GNC = Gashing New Comers

Find a Vitamin Shoppe. Their prices are much better and the staff actually knows there stuff. At least all the ones I go to they do.
Vitamin Shoppe is growing pretty big. They just opened up two new locations in my city. They work heavily on the web, so their prices are pretty fair, and my understanding is they tend to have a more knowledgeable staff than GNC.

(They're also my number one competitor! Grrr!)
IMO, go for the protein first. but of course that by itself wont mean much, your whole meal plan is whats going to make the difference. :)