Pins and Needles

Hi Gang,

I have recently got back into running and I am getting pins and needles in my feet at exactly the same point of each run I go on. I have tried changing socks and shoes but to no avail. Initially it wasnt so much of a problem as it occuered right at the end of my run so I could stop however now I am fitter I can't continue becasue it is too uncomfortable to keep running.

Any ideas on what the problem might be? My shoes and socks aren't tight however I do get really stiff/tight muscles on the insides of my legs next to my shin bones. Could this cause it?

Thanks guys,

Any ideas on what the problem might be? My shoes and socks aren't tight however I do get really stiff/tight muscles on the insides of my legs next to my shin bones. Could this cause it?

This is just your tibialis anterior (shin muscle). Its the muscle that dorsiflexes (lifts up your feet, from inline with your shin to a right angle). So thats nothing to worry about, it will gett better the mor you run. Make sure your streching after you run.

As for the pins and needles, I got no idea. I would have said about your shoes being tight but you have already said thats no the case. Does this happen in other pairs of shoes as well?
Hi Guys,

Thanks so much for the quick response.

To give you a little more info, the pins and needles start in my left foot. I usually feel it coming on slowly under my feet and can feel it when I wiggle my toes. Once I start to feel it it takes about 5 more minutes for it to increase in intensity until I eventually stop running. The last couple of times I have untied my left show (more of a problem than the right) and there was still no relief. It does stop however once I get home and remove my shoes and socks and cool down.

I guess it is hard to explain the feeling.....i guess the best way to describe it is that it feels sort of like there is a soft baloon under my feet that is really sensitive and of course the feeling of pins and needles. It affects the foot only and is mainly concentrated on the sole (probably because it is the point of impact). As previouse mentioned the p&n's starts in my left foot then the right follows about 5-10 mins after.

Thanks again,

Hi Derwyddon,

Nope, I am right handed. Sounds like thats a good explanation indeed......but this one has me baffled so I will have a word to a friend of a friend who works with athletes as sort of a physio.

Thanks guys!