Pills or Powder

powder pills are just a waste of money
yea hes asking which is better of the supplements powder or pills cuz the last 4 posts i've seen him ask were all about supplements and what would work so i answered with powder....is that a problem?

and looking from other peoples answers about this topic basically every body said powder
i realize that read the other posts that answerd this question already and they all state powder is better
creatine pills are more convenient at times, but you need CREATINE MONOHYDRATE...not the expensive Kre-alkyln or purpleK crap.

i prefer powder, so I can just add it to my PWO shake. if you're more on the go, caps can be better, tho a little more expensive.
I even know one person who buys the powder, empty gelcaps, and makes his own caps as he needs em.
Powder. Its cheaper.