I don't know where to put this but I need some advice. So here's the thing I have bad knees I have to go to physical therapy for them but right now money is so tight. Physical therapy is $60 a week and I have to go for 6 weeks. I'm thinking about holding it off till after christmas but in the mean time I don't know what to do. I thought about swimming but winters coming and if I don't exercise I have no motivation to eat right either. I serious can't go on any cardio machine because what is wrong with my knees is my muscle and ligament don't line up so it pushes my knee cap and it causes pain and what not. So i need to build the muscle in my inner thigh do you think I can get a book and try to do it myself at the gym or would that just be stupid and I would probably mess my self up even more. I'm really confused if anybody has any advise PLEASE give it to me