Physical Fitness Test coming up, please help!

ok heres the deal... i am a 23/m.. 270lbs.. 6'1.. i have a heavy natural muscle build , always do hands-on type of work and the past 6 weeks have been using my bow-flex...

i am currently trying to get into my local ACI as a correctional officer.. we have a physical fitness test next but not sure of the date as of yet due to they dont tell you untill we get our written exam test scores back.. word on the street is the physical mid-late july of this year..

heres my problem.. i run out of breath quick doing the running.. the test involves push ups and situps but its pretty obvious how to get ready for that.. i think as of now i can pass that portion of the test..

the thing is this.. i jog for about a mile outdoors and my shins are hurting and i am out of breath... for the test you have to run a mile and a half in 12.9 or under.. i have good comfortable shoes so i know its not that.. i guess its just my stamina..

i dont have any health issues, no asthma, non drinker non smoker etc..

i obv am able to run outside buttt i also have a tredmill and a bowflex..

passing this physical means the world to me..i was told if i pass this physical my buddy can get me in. if for some reason i do not get the job just knowing that i did pass the physical and tried my hardest will make me train twice as hard for it the next time.. i am currently not making much money so i cant afford a trainer or anything like that.

so what i am asking is what is the best way to get ready for this?? i dont like running outside but i will do whatever it takes.. the actual run will be done at the local high school which is a brand new (doing it right now) rubber 1/4 mile track...

thanks in advance!
You have two running problems; weak shins and weak endurance and, unfortunately, they conflict.

To develop your endurance, you need to go as hard as you can for as long as you can as much as you can before mid-July. I recommend running as long as you can, even if it's only for a minute, walking until your breathing becomes manageable and then repeating. Then you can incrementally increase the length of the run and decrease the rest period until you can run 1.5 miles in 12.9 minutes. Run/walk for 45 minutes if you can.

Unfortunately, you probably won't be able to work out every day because you have shin splints. So, after ever run, put your legs into a big bucket of ice water and keep them there for 15 minutes. You might also want to take ibuprofen to reduce the swelling. You might be able to run every other day if all goes well.

Good luck. 1.5 miles in 12.9 minutes is a relatively fast run and it will be a big challenge to get ready in 3 weeks.
well, i think they hurt cause i dont stretch em good.. today only the left one did it...

really my main question is should i be training outside or on my tredmill
Your shin problem will go away, you are just unfit, i had the same problem as you. Go easy the first week, 2-3 miles on a slow tempo for each session, do three sessions.
week 2:
Session 1: 5 x 0.5 miles at a faster tempo, don't worry how much faster, just a bit faster than you did the week before, run at the same tempo as you did your previous runs.
Rest day
Session 2: Same as session 1, same tempo
Rest day
Session 3: 5 x 1 mile at the same tempo as in session 1
Session 4: 5 miles jogging, slow tempo
Rest day

Week 3
Monday: 5 x 1 mile fast tempo
Tuesday: 5 x 1 mile fast tempo
Wednesday: 3x1,5 miles race tempo + 1 mile slow jogging to finish (recovery run)
Rest day
Thursday: Same as Tuesday
Friday: Same as Wednesday
Saturday: 5 mile slow run
Sunday: Rest

Things to remember:
1) Drink at least 2 litres of water (or diluted juice if you have a problem with water) each day to avoid dehydration
2) Always have a 10 min warm up before you start your sessions to avoid injury
3) Avoid static stretching, leave it for last

I wish you all the best
You should run in a similar environment to your test location ... if all you do is run in an air conditioned gym on a treadmill you will be dying outside if it's hot.

~Mrs. Hlove
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Shin Exercises

Draw the alphabet in the air with your foot
repeat 3 times each foot

point and flex your toes concentrating on using your shins to move your foot back and forth ... if you can, use a resistance band (hook it on a heavy peice of furniture and pull against it with your toes)
do 3 sets of 10 reps

~Mrs. Hlove
I work as a personal trainer for a police academy. We have, probably the same fitness test: situps for 1 minute, as many pushups as possible and the 1.5 mile run. You should run outdoors. Running outside will help more than the treadmill. It is different!

You need to drop some weight to take some of the pressure off your shins. I'd also suggest doing calf raises to strengthen your shins (shin splints can be anywhere in the calf area). You can doe these at the gym, or on any step. Also, the previous advice on stretching, ice, etc. would be helpful. I'd also suggest applying some heat (capsacain, etc) before running. When you are able, interval training would help improve your speed.