Sport Ph Miracle?

Sport Fitness
I just read a book called The Ph Miracle by Robert O Young.

His basic premise is that one of the major factors of disease is that most people's bodies are acidic rather than slightly alkaline. He goes through the science pretty convincingly and of course has testimonials galore.

His basic diet is mainly vegetarian sticking to foods that are alkaline rather than acidic. And he is a big fan of the Green drink some powdered grass in water(not too sure about this)

Have any of you heard of or had experience with this type of diet or know if the theory is sound?
sounds like a crock.
just like the 'blood type diet', or any number of fad diets.

I can put you on a diet of 15 rice cakes a day, and you'll lose weight. So i write a book and try to make a million dollars off the idea.
I hear you but it's not just about weight loss.
I've been researching alkaline diets since i read this and there seems to be some credible stuff out there that is worth looking into.

And you'll have to admit that a rice cake diet is obviously deficient. The foods and diet plans recommended in this book are obviously healthy and well balanced.

I'm sure a lot of you will say the protein is too low in a mainly vegetarian diet but if you're not trying to be huge, do you really need all that protein?

And Young has a Ph.D in microbiology I think that makes his theory worth looking at. No?
I always drink water with lemon in the mornings. Lemon juice is very alkaline for the body. I think if you eat a lot of green vegetables you will have your acidity under control.
hello_kitty said:
I always drink water with lemon in the mornings. Lemon juice is very alkaline for the body. I think if you eat a lot of green vegetables you will have your acidity under control.

Umm, Lemon juice is an ACID, with a pH of 2.3, and thus not a base, so it cannot be alkaline for the body.

I would have to see more research, and lots of scientific studies performed by independant labs to believe an alkaline diet is beneficial.