Personal trainer

How long does it take to be a Personal trainer and what do you need to become a Personal trainer. Also, how much money can they make and when is their payday?:D
1.Depends on which cert you want.
2.A cert, which one depends on where you want to work.
3.Depends on where you work, or if you work for yourself.

All in all, it depends. Be a tad more specific.
Ok, how many certs are there and how long does it take to get each one and what is the difference between them? Is the pay different for each cert?
You could also add in that it depends where you are. Where i live i it takes 3 months to get a cert III and 6 months to get a cert IV. A cert III will earn about $20/hour and is limited to what to they can do with a client. A cert IV can charge as much they want but $60/hour is average. Apart from completion of grade 10 at school, there's no pre requisite for either of these certs.
Depends really Im from New Zealand and done a 3 year degree in sport science (exercise physiology is what its called as well). You get out what you put in. I have been around a few jobs and I dont even need to go to an interview to get the job. Dont just get a crappy qualification and work in a gym all your life.
Depends really Im from New Zealand and done a 3 year degree in sport science (exercise physiology is what its called as well). You get out what you put in. I have been around a few jobs and I dont even need to go to an interview to get the job. Dont just get a crappy qualification and work in a gym all your life.

It isn't necessary to do all that work to be a PT. You'd only go for something like this to broaden what you can do later.
How much at an average do you guys think a PT makes a week, month, and year.
Do you think getting one of those certs is hard and do you think being a Docter and PT will go well together?
A Doctor sees a patiant and finds that he/she has too much fat in his body that could be fatal and prescribes for him/her to get exercise and later tells the patiant that he/she is a PT and............. you get the drift. Can a person even do this?
How much a PT makes involves alot of variables...For example - How many clients you get, how much you charge, gym rent...It all depends on you really as a trainer.

It depends where you get the cert. The one I'm doing at the moment is actually a lot harder than i thought it would be. I'm doing mine at a college. If you do it at an institute its generally easier and the course may be shorter. But again, this is only where i live, it might be different in your location.

I that. But seriously, if you're a GP, would you want to put in the extra hours being a trainer as well? Well, i know that i wouldn't and i'd imagine a GP makes a fair amount of money without worrying about this.

If that scenario that you posted came up than the doctor would likely recommend a PT for that patient to see, however if the doctor is going to recommend them to you, you obviously need to have a good relationship with him/her and you do that by referring clients who are a health risk to that doctor and calling the doctor to see what they have to say etc. See how it works?
A PT can earn a huge amount, or earn a very small amount. It comes down to the clients, experience and qualifications you've got as well as the place you work. Here the best PT at my gym probably gets £40 an hour. Work 8-10 hour per day and do Saturdays. So say 6 days x 8 hours = 48 hours. 48 hours x £40 =£1920 per week. Say the club gets £420 of that. Thats £1500 a week x 40 weeks = £60,000 per year. Around $120,000 USD. That's probably top notch, although you can then go and become a famous celeb trainer and earn ten times more. Really depends.