
I am new in forums, but not in fitness. I have been trainning regulary for almost seven years now. I feel as if my progress has definetly stopped. Perhaps I have been doing the same excercises for too long -one day cardio,one day weighs-. In my cardio days, I usually run for an hour or take a spinning class. The gim days I always do the same full upper body routine.
I have heart something about the benefits of periodization and would like to incorporate it to my routines (Always keeping in mind my philosopy 'one day cardio, one day gym'). Could you give some advise?
I am 42 years old, 1. 73 m tall, 70 kg. I train 5 days/week.

Thanks a lot
Periodization is a training program of increasingly harder weeks followed by rest week and repeat. Joe Friel is a big advocate of this, but it was originally developed by the Romanians during the cold war.

Thank you very much

Very interesting information!!

I'm gonna look into it carefully and I will tell you what I think!