Period like cramps when running!!!!?

this is something i noticed a few years ago much it has become much worse lately. when i go running, once i get about a mile into the run i start noticing cramps very similar to period cramps and they are very intense and painful. once i stop running it gets even worse and i need to either crouch down or all together sit on the ground. its more painful than any period cramp ive ever had. then after 10-15 minutes it pretty much goes away. sometimes i even notice if i go to the bathroom after that there is a very tiny amount of blood. its incredibly strange and happens at all times during my cycle. has anyone else experienced this???? also i'm an 18 year old college athlete.
Do you mean like a stitch? or an actual period pain cramp where it feels identical?

Think you should get checked out by a doctor as it is known that running can cause internal bleeding and it does need to be checked out. It doesn't happen to everyone and not every case is pain related (I get it at random times, its not connected with any pain for me). Its important to get these things checked out though- you only get one body!