Peanuts Vs Fish oil

Along with all the low fat fruits, vegetables, protein shakes and meat I eat, I've been eating one serving of peanuts or peanut butter a day in atempt to get %20 of good fat I need. But I heard that fish oils are also good. Is the fat in fish oil pills the same thing that's in peanut butter (ploy + monosaturated) or is there something else in them that I'm missing out on?
yea.... fish oils have omega 3's the most essenstial good fattys along with omega 6's
actually, peanuts are rich in Omega 6, very low in omega 3, and no omega 9 I believe. Fish oil is rich in omega 3, and has some omega 6 and omega 9.
So ideally, you need both to get all your omega's. If you eat salmon 3x a week, that should provide enough omega 3 & 9...but few people eat that much salmon.
Samon gets old real fast.
I'll take a hand full of peanuts and 2x fish oil pills everyday.
Thanks for the info.