Patrick aka SiccTrick. Please HELP!


New member
Hello all, this is my first time being in any weight loss forum. I’m a recovering anorexic but I weigh around 214 lbs. Whenever I relapse I completely stop eating and exercise losing 10 lbs. dramatically each week. I keep falling off the bandwagon because of my parents. I still live with my parents as a 24 year old male. I need help as they keep feeding me every night due to my medications. I am doing intermittent fasting and I have never gone around to telling them that I cannot eat at night. I am doing low carb way of eating aka the Keto diet. Whenever I eat at night I keep pigging out since I tell myself that the diet is “ruined.” They are diabetics and have sweets and carbs around the house constantly. They are also strict filipinos (if that helps) Anyways I need help. What should I tell them so I don’t have to eat dinner and lunch???
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Hi SiccTrick,
Welcome to the forum.

You're not falling off the bandwagon because of you're parents, you're falling off because you've stopped eating, are starving after a week. We also have the opportunity to start fresh at each and every meal, so you don't need to kill the rest of the day because the meal before it, didn't go as planned.

I know it's difficult when you're living with family, but first and foremost, you're an adult. An adult living with their parents is still an adult.
My kiddo comes home for holidays and school breaks, and at 22, she is an adult. My suggestion is to create a healthy plan for yourself, how much/what you're going to eat and when, then talk with them and let them know your plan. Ask for their help in helping you achieve better health and your goal. Letting them know specifically what they can do will give them an idea of the direction you're going and how you want to get there.

And when they slip, just say, I love you mom/dad, but I'm gonna stick to my plan.

Good luck, I know it isn't easy!
Hi mate,

I too agree with M2M completely.

You and you alone are responsible for your life; not your parents.

This means 2 things:

1/ first and foremost own your decisions. Realise you are in control of your actions

2/ you are allowed (and you must) to do what’s right for you.

The best course of action is always an honest conversation. Tell your parents what’s going on. They may be “strict” but they brought you into this world. They love you and will always do what they believe is best for you. Right now they believe feeding you is best because they don’t know what you don’t tell them.

Good luck and always remember support is here if you need it. (Sometimes you will get tough love but it comes from a place of support).

Now ... off to have a decent honest conversation with your parents.
Hey Patrick,

Have you had a chance to speak to your parents? How are you feeling about everything now?