Sport Pasta?

Sport Fitness
I've always thought that pasta was a great food to eat if you're training but I've read from a few sources that it's totally unhealthy. My friend is absolutely ripped, lean and cut in every part of his body and I always saw him eating pasta (along with other things such as chicken breast) after every workout.
On the nutrition labels for pasta, it reads 11g. of protein, 1.5g. of fat, 64g. of carbs. I thought that was fairly healthy, especially with the high level of protein in such a small amount of food. Is there an appropriate time to eat pasta (if ever) if you're bodybuilding? What are the dangers of having that in your diet?

Cheers guys.
Pasta is a good way of getting complex carbohydrates and has a low GI which means it has slow release energy so no rapid increases in blood sugar. It's also a good source of B vitamins & iron, and is sodium & cholestoral free.

As long as it fits into your daily calorie requirements its a very good source of energy.
Read more.

You said your friend is already lean, and eats pasta with chicken post workout...

Post workout is the prime time to consume faster digesting carbs like pasta, and protein.

But the protein in pasta is almost worthless. Animal protein is what you need. Plant protein is incomplete and if you don't carefully pair your plant proteins, you'll develop amino acid deficiencies (vegetarians and vegans have this problem when they don't plan their diet).