Paris loses inheritance

He just loves reading up on all the latest celebrity goss ;)
I feel sorry for her. Too bad her wealth isn't in an irrevocable trust, like me. My benefactors cannot touch it har har!
That story just made my day. It's good to hear that someone in that messed up family has some sense. Of course, Paris makes pretty decent money on her own, but that's still nothing in comparison to the family fortune. I noticed that it said the entire fortune goes to the foundation, not just her share. Boy, I bet the rest of the family is seriously pissed at her right about now.
That story just made my day. It's good to hear that someone in that messed up family has some sense. Of course, Paris makes pretty decent money on her own, but that's still nothing in comparison to the family fortune. I noticed that it said the entire fortune goes to the foundation, not just her share. Boy, I bet the rest of the family is seriously pissed at her right about now.

Too bad Grandpa Barron is a big fat hypocrite. When his father Conrad, founder of the hotel chain, died, his will left everything to the Catholic Church and various charities. Barron contested the will in court and got some megabux. I guess he wasn't so against inherited wealth back then. Now he's had 79 years of living the high life. He got his, so everyone else can sit on it.

It's his money, so he can do what he damn well pleases with it, but I wish everyone would stop gushing over a man who contested his own father's will when he got disinherited.
Well I'm still in tears.