Sport Pairing foods

Sport Fitness
Ok, i got 2 questions here. so, here goes...

1) I'm not mistaken, but i think i read on here that it is a myth that you have to seperate your fats from your carbohydrates. Is this true? I can't really see any problems with pairing fats with carbohydrates. Such as a olive oil based dressing with greens. I know it isen't smart to pair fats with high GI foods(so i read).
2) i'm making a new diet since i've gained some weight (lean mass) since i bulked a little. My problem is, i can't think of really any good meals to put into my meal plan. I'm really tired of a protein shake in the morning, and i really just want some solid food for breakfast(it seems more natural anyways lol). Malkmors protein waffles sound pretty darn good, so that might be on the list for breakfast along with some sort of fruit. But other than simple meals such as brown rice/chicken i'm kinda screwed on ideas. Can you guys help me out in terms of meal ideas. Maybe just some examples of what you have on your meal plan would be good. Thanks
Ok, i got 2 questions here. so, here goes...

1) I'm not mistaken, but i think i read on here that it is a myth that you have to seperate your fats from your carbohydrates. Is this true? I can't really see any problems with pairing fats with carbohydrates. Such as a olive oil based dressing with greens. I know it isen't smart to pair fats with high GI foods(so i read).
It is true that it is a myth. There is no problem with pairing. My college girlfriend's mother had this odd belief. What a nut. She also went to a chiropractor regularly, and I gave her all sorts of crap about that.

I don't know why her daughter broke up with me.

2) i'm making a new diet since i've gained some weight (lean mass) since i bulked a little. My problem is, i can't think of really any good meals to put into my meal plan. I'm really tired of a protein shake in the morning, and i really just want some solid food for breakfast(it seems more natural anyways lol). Malkmors protein waffles sound pretty darn good, so that might be on the list for breakfast along with some sort of fruit. But other than simple meals such as brown rice/chicken i'm kinda screwed on ideas. Can you guys help me out in terms of meal ideas. Maybe just some examples of what you have on your meal plan would be good. Thanks

For breakfast I eat two poached eggs with some lean meat.
If you are bulking it doesn't really matter as long as you have protein with every meal. If cutting, it doesn't make you fat, it just doesn't provide the best fuel and feeling for some people. It's really all relative to the person and goal.

As for breakfast ideas your imagination is your stopping point.

Eggs can be with anything, have scrambled with some chicken, veggies, etc.
Have then on the side of some oatmeal, fruit, etc.
Cottage cheese and peanut butter with fruit
Get a cookbook, start picking out some things that look good and give it a shot.

Why not check out Gourmet Nutrition, it is an amazing cookbook.
good call theleip. can't really argue with anything beradi puts out. I think my problem is is that i'm worried i'm not incorporating enough greens into my diets. i've tried to force myself to eat broccolie,cuecumbers, and celery, but i just can't lol. lettuce and spinach i can do, however. My problem is, i'm only 16 and can't afford really anything because i'm trying to save up for college now, so i only take 50 bucks out of my pay check and put myself on a tight budget. Maybe i can get a job on the side(like cutting lawns) to afford stuff like that.
good call theleip. can't really argue with anything beradi puts out. I think my problem is is that i'm worried i'm not incorporating enough greens into my diets. i've tried to force myself to eat broccolie,cuecumbers, and celery, but i just can't lol. lettuce and spinach i can do, however.
I am sorry to read that you cannot lol. The spinach has good nutrition, but there is little point to eating the lettuce. Stop being a picky eater. You're 16, for crying out loud.

My problem is, i'm only 16 and can't afford really anything because i'm trying to save up for college now, so i only take 50 bucks out of my pay check and put myself on a tight budget. Maybe i can get a job on the side(like cutting lawns) to afford stuff like that.

If you're 16, aren't you still living at home? Why do you need to worry about being able to afford peanut butter and eggs?
Haha, i'm not a picky eater. I at least tried it, and then i tried it again. In fact, it wasen't really a "try" but a "force".

As far as food, my parents pay for it. But things like books i have to pay for. which i wish i could, but i would rather be writing my own books on nutrition then having to barley be able to buy them :p