Pain in the stomach while running...

I just started up running again, after using a stationary bike for the past few months due to the cold and rain. Both tonight and yesterday when I ran, I experienced a tugging pain in my stomach (lower left torso), like a cramp. I was wondering why this might be. I've got some excess fat on my stomach, not much, but some. I tried flexing while I ran and it sort of helped. Any idea what is causing this pain?
Theres a good chance your eating to soon before running and your stomach dosen't have enough time to digest the food. You experience the pain because your stomach and running muscles are fighting each other for the use of your energy.
Try to leave about an hour, maybe more depending on your bodies motabalism.
I thought that might have been it, but I can't remeber eating anything before my run...

Anyways, the pain is subsiding now, and I find doing a couple of crunches before my run tightens up my abs, which helps.

Thanks for your help. :)
I get the same thing, its called a stitch and it may be caused by your breathing...I know if I eat also it will trigger...its a pain (literally) but it often stops me from running...but I think in time it'll work its way out.
Yes!! thats happened to me as well. But you know why i think this is caused....i think its caused do to the way your breathing. If this happens once again try doing this (i've done it before...) when your right foot stumps the floor breath and when your left foot stumps the floor let the air out. But do this in a relaxed way....its worked for me. I hope you do get what i am trying to say lol.
the above posts are true. I learned all about the do's and don't with running when I started Cross Country. Don't drink soda, Period. The caffeine and carbonation are bad for running. Eating is ok if you eat the right kind of food, peanut butter is very helpful for me. and the way to get the stitch out is painful but it pays off once it is gone. Raise the arm that is on the same side as the pain and put your elbow at yor head and lean to the opposite side while flexing the side with the pain.
I had this problem when i was playing basketball. I had to deal with this problem for about six months not really knowing why it was occuring. It felt too internal to be a tear in the abs....however i decided to stop doing sit ups all together and it worked. I always thought it was linked to straining the abdomen.