Pain in inner thigh and knee

I have been running for 30 minutes every other day for the past month. Recently my inner right knee started hurting. Then I noticed my inner right thigh started hurting. It appears it is my Vastus Medialis that is injured. When I press on the muscle it is painful and when I start walking the muscle is sore for a few minutes then the pain subsides. However, when I run on it, it starts cramping up and the pain in my knee feels like a sharp pain. I run on asphalt but I have a good pair of shoes which helps. The road slopes to the side but I started changing directions half way through my run hoping to counteract the pressure being applied to just one leg. Does anyone have advise on exercises to do to help strengthen the Vastus Medialis and knee?
I had similar probs when I started out a few years ago. Its probably a simple fix by getting proper running shoes. I always know I need new sneaks when my knee and/or hip or other unexplained issues crop up.