Pain In Foot??

hi everyone, i was at the gym on monday on the treadmil, and it got into around 4 and a half mins and the heel of my left foot started hurting but i ignored it and thought it would go away, but it got worse when i got to 10 minz on the machine so i came off. i was thinkin if it was the shoes im wearing because i normaly wear trainers with like big heals and air bubbles. and for the gym i recently started wearing sort of flat trainers, i thought it may of been that but any feedback of what could be causing this would be great, thanks.
Where exactly in your foot do you feel the pain?? Do you feel the pain when walking?
Pain in the heel of the foot is usually an indicator of the onset of plantar's fasciitis. I have battled PF for some time now that started up right before my last cross country season and continues to bug me months later. Do you have any discomfort in the arch at all? Do you over or under-pronate? Do you have high or low arches? These are things to consider especially when selecting the right shoes for something as hard on the body as running or any other impact activity.
thanks for the advice everyone, and ive been using my other trainers and my foot didnt hurt so im guessing it was the type of shoe i was wearing.
Hollywoodblvd. that pain you are describing is caused by too tight gastrocs. (calves). Try to regularly stretch the achilles by dorsiflexing the foot (bringing toe toward shin). If your achilles is too tight and you do some intense activity without stretching you can actually tear the tendon. Achilles tendon tears are common among "weekend warriors" be mindful and try stretching!!!
Yes! Definately before running! If you run on a tredmill I reccommend warming up by walking first, gradually bringing up the incline to further warm up the gastrocs and achilles. What I have clients is bring the incline up 1 degree per minute every minute for 10 minute. Depending on the length and intensity of your run you body needs that long of a warmup anyways so this is a great way to incorporate the two.