P90X question

Hi all, I'm new here and have a question about supplimenting a P90X program with additional mild cardio (brisk walking).

I usually walk briskly an hour or so a day, even on the days I do my P90x classic routine. Do you think the walking is a detraction from my energy levels and takes away from what I can put into P90X? I generally don't feel like it detracts, but I have heard that Tony H. doesn't endorse the 'doubles' workouts which do an additional cardio on most days I think.

I would have posted on the Beachbody forums but I think they make you pay a subscription fee, which seems strange to charge a subscription fee for customers who have purchased the program....I have spent a lot of money with them having bought P90X and the 10 minute trainer and supplies so think I should get a free subscription =).

no walking should be fine. I have been going to the gym now so doing extra cardio on top of my P90X+ I run and Bike when I go

and the beachbody forums are free you must be looking at something different???

just go here then go to the category you want
Yep, I think it's fine. If it starts to take away from your efforts, then stop. Until then, I say go for it.
How about weight lifting, 2 to 3 times a week?


Fine, too. Most do.