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Hello all. This is my first post here. Im nearly 20. I used to be 300 pounds at 6'2. This really caught my attention. My father is the same as me. A big guy by birth. Im an endomorph. No doubt about it. Well a year ago i realized i was letting myself out of control. I cut out all soda. And alot of junk food. I cannot even finish off a soda anymore. I cant stand them. I started eating whole foods and following some kind of caveman diet. I lost nearly 30 pounds. For a while i floated between 272 and 275. I still had a large belly, and was in general unhealthy. For the past 3 weeks ive been trying to do the exercise bike for an hour a day. It says i typically do 15 miles in that hour. I was doing weights for a while afterwords but i didnt want to keep gaining muscle weight while burning fat. Ive gone down to 262 now. The exercise part i get. But the diet is confusing me. I try to research it but it overwhelms me. Ive cut out alot of carbs. That helped quite a bit i believe. Some say to eat whole grains more. Some say go into ketosis. Then the more in depth ones with insulin and such. My biggest fear is diabetes. I want to join the coast guard after i finish with my associates. So you can see why i dont want diabetes or high blood pressure or high cholesterol. Im all over the place. I apologize. My typical diet is.. Breakfast. 2 eggs scrambled, a cup of oatmeal with blue berries, and some plain non fat yogurt with fresh fruit. I stopped drinking orange juice after seeing how much sugar was in it. Between this a lunch i might eat a handful of almonds or a banana. For lunch it varies. Some days i eat a chicken salad from qdoba. (low carbs!) some days i might eat left overs. Dinner. Im still with family and my grandmother likes to fix alot of white bread and alot of high sugar and carb dishes. I started just frying a beef patty and eat it by itself with a salad. I love salad. I typically put mixed greens, walnuts, strawberries, orange slices, tomato, carrots, and then put a raspberry vinegerate on it. I try to avoid desert like the plague. But i feel like this isnt a sustainable diet. I honestly dont know what else to eat and am scared. I should add i currently use chewing tobacco and am in the process in giving that mess up. Like i said. There is so much conflicting stuff out there by "professionals" that is boggles my mind. I just dont know what to do right now. Im sorry for the long thread but this is killing me. Thanks to whoever can tackle this. God Bless.