Overtrained and now in knee pain

Hi all I have been reading on the post's for several days now just getting information but ow it's time for some advise. and today I deiced to go run 13 miles at least Half was up a pretty good incline and now i'm in some serious knee pain. the two days prior to this i ran a 5 and 6. Just to get it out of the way YES I know it was a mistake. any advise other than rest that may help? Also is 2 days rest enough?or do i just wait to see how my knees are.

ow training wise i used to run cross country for 4 years took two year off and am running again I have been avg. 20-30 miles the last three week most days being 4-6 miles with 2 days off a week. Im 22 weight around 170.

also I popped a blisted and now have blisters under those???ideas


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What kind of knee pain are you in? Is it a sharp shooting pain or a sore muscle pain? depending on what kind of pain it is the treatment advise would be different.

i used to run cross country as well and would recommend you take a rest until the pain subsides. I used to run through the pain and my legs were a mess by the end of the season.
more of a shooting pain it has subsided a little but stairs are a b*****..

If i was i the season i would run through it but im taking several days.
what i used to use that worked well for me were salonpas patches. I would stick them out when i started getting some pain or soreness and it helped me get back going faster. Even helped with shin splints, much more than icing ever did.

Is your knee swollen at all? do you have full range of motion when you bend your legs in?
i know what your talking about. i had (and still may have) that problem right now. Its either runners knee or tightness of your hamstrings/ entire leg. I actually went to see a physical therapist at school and he said that for me, it was probably that something in my knee slipped out of place a little and now instead of grinding on a smooth, frictionless spot of my knee, its moved over just a little so that its grinding on bone which is causing me pain. I'm not sure what you have but if it hurts you to go up and down stairs/inclines then try stretching your hamstring out, and your entire leg if your a pretty stiff person like most people and just rest until you can run again. i had this about 3 weeks ago and im still not sure whether i can run or not so it definitely can take time so be patient with it if you have to and dont get too eager too quickly to run again
Running has so much impact on your body, sore knees is very common. I also have knee issues, I went and saw my physio and it's a long term thing unfortunately that requires laborious exercises and treatment. Female femurs and hip joints are different to males, and sometimes our patellas tend to move diagonally (inwards) instead of straight up and down, that's what my problem is about. I was getting a broad stiff pain all around the front of my left knee, and would be limping by the end of my run. I have to strengthen my Vastus Medialis and my quads as well. It sickens me now to think how long I left it and how much more damage I did. Get it checked out if it persists and do the exercises :)