Sport overeating! please help!

Sport Fitness
OK guys and gals! I'm new here but not new to fitness and lifting. BUT I have a huge problem. I CAN'T STOP EATING! I love food and always, always end up eating too much at my meals no matter what my mind set is prior. I take Xenadrine NRG daily, I'm not fat, I have abs that show but I have this "fuel tank" (stomach) that can expand to look like a beer belly after a big meal. How can I stop the cravings and overeating? I need to take something, maybe? My mind is not enough to stop me, it tells me not to waste anything. Please help with my portion control issue. :confused:

(other things to know: I work at home and I'm 188lbs, 5'10")
WELL!, I would have no idea how to solve this the only idea I have is to ween yourself off huge meal portions and eat more smaller meals throughout the day. Once your body gets used to eating less more often you may be able to transfer this to just 4 meals a day.
you're over eating is causing your stomach to swell, and until it's digested, it stays swelled.

quit gorging yourself. your metabolism is gonna start slowing down in the next few years, and then you will have a spare tire, no 6-pack, and you'll wish you'd learned some self-control earlier in life.

You're the only one who can control how much you eat. All I can do is verbally bitch slap you every time you take a second helping.
try taping a picture of a pig to the fridge, or something like that and tell yourself thats me if i eat more than what i should. no one wants to think that right! might work, or maybe its a little harsh you decide.
Thanks, you guys! I liked the verbal bitch slap! Awesome! I know that only I can stop it but my will power is on vacation. I do believe there are supplements that decrease appetite, aren't there? The Xenadrine is supposed to but maybe I am not taking enough for my size. Well, wish me luck! Any other ideas are greatly appreciated!
Is it only chocolates or sweets that you crave? Because you will stop craving them after a while, if you never have them.

It takes the body about 2 weeks to decrease appetite.

Hang tough!
jenn said:
try taping a picture of a pig to the fridge, or something like that and tell yourself thats me if i eat more than what i should. no one wants to think that right! might work, or maybe its a little harsh you decide.
HAHA ... good idea lol!!!!
kckboxr said:
Thanks, you guys! I liked the verbal bitch slap! Awesome! I know that only I can stop it but my will power is on vacation. I do believe there are supplements that decrease appetite, aren't there? The Xenadrine is supposed to but maybe I am not taking enough for my size. Well, wish me luck! Any other ideas are greatly appreciated!

I hear you... I like food. I was changing my habits, but I decided to pretty much screw it and just make sure I burn more calories than I take in. Might be an option for you? I mean I don't eat a lot of food, but I do eat quick junk food.
Junk food is not really the problem, it's more like Portion control. I enjoy cooking, so when I make a meal, I make a meal! And then I can't help but enjoy it! That's when I usually eat too much. Got to learn to limit the size of my portions and no seconds! :mad:

At least 2 weeks isn't that long! You know how it feels when you start, 3 days feels like 3 weeks! HA! I am going to try and start today, think I should keep a log? Thanks for the support!
kckbboxr, I used to have a similar problem, although possibly not to the same extent as you. I used a very simple method to reduce my portion sizes.

I used a smaller plate.

I know it sounds daft but, if you have a plate, any plate, that is full of food - once you have eaten it, your brain tells you that you've eaten a whole meal.

It may not work for everyone but, it worked for me. Keeping a log is also an excellent idea because it makes you accountable.
THe pig on the fridge thing probably will work for so'll get used to it and before long, you'll say, "I don't care, I wanna eat, now!"

Just wrokout really, really hard. Like start swimming 30 miles a day and get rid of the junk food. Buy healthy stuff, eat it however much you want, and work out really hard. Either that or feed yourself lessons in
or you could always brush you teeth after you have met your set calorie intake and say i not eating after i brush...
brush early ....very early...4pm...
:( not eat after 4pm?! are you nuts?! Find your metabolic rate-500 calories, and eat 5-6 SMALL meals a day... and eat every 2-3 hours...
i agree with dex talk about glucose spikes thats wayy to early to stop eating. you got to keep your levels even otherwise your bod will store more glucose to save for when you starve it. not what you want to do..
I have the same problem with the portion control. I have these huge food cravings. First I tried to get rid of it on my own. Tell myself firmly I would eat what I should eat and no more. But after a while, the "ahh, one extra bite won't do any harm" mentality creeps up and that 'one extra bite' ends up to be a lot more. An entire plate for example.

So I called in my mom to help me control my evening portions. Now, everytime I finish my plate and try to get more, she reminds me of what I said to myself and then I don't do it. This really helped. I don't know if u live alone, with a roomate, or family, whatever, but ask them to help you.

If you are alone, try too cook smaller meals. Don't prepare large portions or an entire casserole, because you'll find yourself getting more because "I've still got tons left."

If you do prepare big portions, put the quantaty you plan to eat on your plate and pack up the rest and put it away so you'll be less tempted to get some more.

Hope this helps. And try not to eat much after 8 pm.
Good luck!

And remeber to drink lots of water. That also fills you up! After your first plate, drink a big glass of water and you'll find urself a lot less hungry.
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