I have managed to shift a great deal of weight, and i absolutly love the new me. I get huge amounts of pleasure from working out and seeing my body change, and i must fess up to showing people my newly devolped toned lean looking arms and asking 'hey look at my definiton' lol (arse and legs are taking a little longer to gettong to showing off stage).
But here is my problem.
My boyfriend hinted that he thought i would look great soon after we met a little lighter- and i knew this too. I had little confidence and was overweight by about 24 pounds at the time. I know it sounds like he was being harsh- but he was just beng honest and he also could tell i was not happy with myself.
The problem is that now i have shifted most of the weight, and i aviod booze, fatty foods and hit the gym 4 times a week- he seems to enjoy putting tempation in my way. He always suggests a miss the gym if we have the day off together, but i really love the buzz it gives me.
I only drink wine one night a week, and if i am honest i would like to cut it out all together for a while to see if helps me shift the last bit of weight. But i do feel like a bit of an antisocial bore. My friends are all big pub goers, and it hard now as i don't want that lifestyle.
Its hard to mix in social circles when we eat out at resturants etc. I am just aware of how much crap in in food theese days that i feel like i am poluting my body some how.
My question is how to overcome tempation when eating out, and do any of you have loved ones who in some way resent your dedication? What do you do to keep the peace AND still get to workout. I always seem to give in and go with the flow.
Thanks in advance.