Over Eater


New member
Hi, Im Chad and obviously new here. Im 18 about to start college and I have always been a little on the heavy side and it's all about to change. While I have never had a problem getting enough exercise... seeing that I play tennis everyday and I'm a tennis camp consuler but I eat way to much and have never been able to keep my weight in check. I'm one of those people who can eat large pizza and still be hungry. I have tried dieting before but never have found the motivation to follow through, but as I'm online everyday I hopee comming to this website everyday will help change all that. I guess thats it...Thanks
hey welcome. I know when i use to play football all the time i stayed starved. Maybe its what your eating.
Got to find things that fill you up... try cream of wheat or oatmeal for breakfast... along with a couple large glasses of water. Make sure you get enough protein.. it is what really fuels your body. Besides that.. I am a little out of my league.. I generally can make myself feel full with a can of soup and a peice of bread.. or the cream of wheat like I said. :)
Welcome, Chad :D I agree with Hillbillylee - its most likely what you're eating. Simple carbs (white bread, potatoes, sugar, rice, etc) go through your body without even waving hello or goodbye making you feel hungry most of the time. Try sticking with complex carbs (whole grain, fruits, veggies,etc) and balance them out with plenty of protein for staying power. ALso, if possible, try to eat SMALL meals (or carbs w/ lowfat protein) every 3-4 hours so your body doesn't feel the need to "remind" you so often. Okay, lesson over ;)

I too visit this site every day to remain focused on my goals. Starting a diary is a wonderful way to get support more often from more people :D

Have a great day/ night:D
anytime a person in an athlete or does a large amount of exercises your going to be hungry. its going to be hard to keep that in check. just try to find foods that fill you up. a heavy oatmeal in the morning. heavy protein durring lunch. maybe a large amount of fruit at night. youll have to play with your plan abit......dont forget the small meals between your main ones.......