Outside running and music

When you run outside, which do you prefer?

  • Run with music, book on tape, etc.

    Votes: 19 63.3%
  • Run in silence, save for the sounds of nature, etc.

    Votes: 11 36.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Ok, I am one of those people who are deathly afraid of getting jumped, raped, kidnapped, etc. while running outside. Therefore, I do not listen to music or anything. I feel safer if I can hear the sounds around me and know when a car is coming or what not.

For those of you who run outside, what say you?
I run with music outside, i dont have it so loud I cant hear traffic and it also depends if I am running with someone else.
I wish I had a running partner, but I don't. I DO have a walking partner, but I dont' get to do that much right now, as I am at the barn so much. :11doh:
I think that's a great idea. In fact, after I read that you did that, Der, I went to my favorite pastor's site and looked for some sermon's....just wish I knew how to download and burn a cd....:confused:
Sorry if this sounds rude but is Unitarian Universalist one of those religions where everyone sings or is it more in a homily format.

We dont have Unitarian Universalist over here.
Actual church delivered sermons from Unitarian Universalist churches around the country. I'm a pretty devout Unitarian Universalist, and since the seperatation from my husband I've been trying to get back to things like that that I have neglected for a long time. What version of windows do you have, b_g? I can help you burn a CD.

And no, it doesn't bother me to listen with only 1 ear. I actually have a very difficult time doing only one thing at a time. I also do not like my senses to be overwhelmed to where I can't hear other things. Living in an apartment complex really bothers me because I can't identify the sounds I hear. When I live in a house I always know where everyone is by the sounds and steps and such.

I'm sorry to hear about your separation. :( Must be hard with a little one.
What version of windows...I have XP.

As far as the sounds, yeah, I can imagine living in an apt would be different. I never have lived in an apt, but I can't say I would like to, either. LOL I'll keep my house, thanks. LOL
Really, I have never heard of it! theres definately not one where I live. Im not really a church goer but was brought up in a roman catholic family.

It probably wouldnt get me ampd up running but its cool that you can download them and stuff.
I actually have to admit I'm not sure what a homily is? Isn't it catholic? I'm most surely not catholic, lol.

I dont' think a homily is strictly for Catholic. I was Catholic for several years and I've also been other....well, I've been Episcopalian and am currently Congregational. Both churches I have been to have used "homily" and "sermon" interchangibly. (sp)
I like to run with music anytime I'm running. It helps me keep my mind off of how tired I am. If I were running at night, or in a city, I'd be afraid too but since I run in a neighborhood with a bunch of children and old people and nice parents, that isn't a concern.

Music is the way to go. Without it, I don't think I would last more than 5 minutes because it would be so boring...No offense to Mother Nature ;)
I like to run with music anytime I'm running. It helps me keep my mind off of how tired I am. If I were running at night, or in a city, I'd be afraid too but since I run in a neighborhood with a bunch of children and old people and nice parents, that isn't a concern.

Oh trust me, I wish I could run with music. It's what I prefer, really, but I want to be able to hear if someone is slowing down and getting ready to grab me. LOL

Der, free place to live...who wouldn't like that! And it's always good to be around family. I'm in close proximity to my husband's family and I love it. :D
Music is the way to go. Without it, I don't think I would last more than 5 minutes because it would be so boring...No offense to Mother Nature ;)

It is kinda boring, esp when I go by places I feel most comfortable....like down my road. But then again, it's a great way to meditate and think through problems and pray.
When running or working out, I listen to an iPod. But, like Derwyddon, I sometimes leave only one earpiece in so I can hear outside sounds/noises. When cycling, I sometimes cheat and wear one earpiece even though it is illegal.
I don't listen to music when I run. I rarely run to begin with (I know this is bad) and I don't have a device to play music while I run. I'm stuck in the ages of the cd player, and those skip when you run with them. If It were up to me, we'd still all be listening to records. This is my favorite format of music. Records sound so much better than CDs or mp3 files.

When I work out in my weight training class, the teacher always puts on music, but most if it is cheesy stuff from the 80s. Some of it is pretty good though. Occasionally he plays Pink Floyd, one of my favorite bands.
I usually listen to music when I do weights, mostly because it keeps the tempo correct. I am able to legitimately keep the correct tempo with the help of the right music. I have a few that I choose from.
I usually listen to music when I do weights, mostly because it keeps the tempo correct. I am able to legitimately keep the correct tempo with the help of the right music. I have a few that I choose from.

That's a neat idea. I've never thought of that before.
well, this just got slightly off track :)