Ouchie O.O



So... I am paying for my laptop in stomach crunches (also have to pay for it in dollars.. but you get the idea :p)

And... because if having a peice of cake yesterday, I did 220 stomach crunches to compensate.

After that my stomach hurt... alot.. o_O

Today its much better.. but feels a bit tight inside.

Can you overdo on crunches? lol

I am doing crunches because
1. I can do them at work..
2. I have an ugly stomach due to really quick weight gain
3. When I hit 150 lbs I am getting a belly button ring.

Are there are other exercises that directly target that lower stomach pouch? (under belly button) I really wanna tone that up! I think I will jsut have to suffer with my love handles.
So THATS what that other ticker is about. I was curious.

Sorry, don't really know the answer
The only exercise I know is the one where you lay on your back with your arms outstretched to the sides, with your ankles together lift your legs into the air and keeping your back pressed to the floor and your legs straight - reach your legs into the air until your hips come off the ground and then let your hips go back to the ground again. That's one rep. I guess you're supposed to do 10-15 reps at a time. I can't do them because my belly's too big.