Ouch, my #$!$#$% calves!

Hi folks! I'm new here and this is my first post. First I'd like to say that I realy like this forum. There's so much helpful information and I'm going to hang out a while if you'll have me.

Anyway, I have been doing the BFL style workout and have been enjoying the results, however my legs can't deal with the running part of the workout!

I used to be a long distance runner way back in the day, but now my calves kill me every time I go for a run! I used to run on the balls of my feet as a runner in the past, but that causes my calves to shoot in pain as if I've pulled a muscle. Now I'm running heel to toe and it helps somewhat, but after about 10 minutes into the run, I get the same shooting pain in my calf! It's not always both of them but usually one of them will haunt me until I'm done with my run.

I used to do a serious stretch prior to the run and that didn't help. I switched to stretching after and that didn't help either. Now I walk briskly for a few minutes to loosen up and run without any pre/post stretching.

I'm drinking plenty of water and eating a healthy diet. I don't know what gives with my darn calves!
No suggestions? That's ok. I guess I just have to take it easy and work my endurance up slowly. Maybe sitting in the spa after a run will help soothe and relaxe the muscles.
maybe it's because you've not worked your calves out in a longg time. Right now, i'm in track and field, and get the same painn. People have told me i have big calf muscles, but either way, if you work them out hard/long enough, they'll burn like a b**chh lol. I do run on the balls of my feet for sprints, so i do know how you feel. Continue to run like this, if it's a burning pain then it will eventually go away the more you use your calves.

Jeff K.
Hi folks! I'm new here and this is my first post. First I'd like to say that I realy like this forum. There's so much helpful information and I'm going to hang out a while if you'll have me.

Anyway, I have been doing the BFL style workout and have been enjoying the results, however my legs can't deal with the running part of the workout!

I used to be a long distance runner way back in the day, but now my calves kill me every time I go for a run! I used to run on the balls of my feet as a runner in the past, but that causes my calves to shoot in pain as if I've pulled a muscle. Now I'm running heel to toe and it helps somewhat, but after about 10 minutes into the run, I get the same shooting pain in my calf! It's not always both of them but usually one of them will haunt me until I'm done with my run.

I used to do a serious stretch prior to the run and that didn't help. I switched to stretching after and that didn't help either. Now I walk briskly for a few minutes to loosen up and run without any pre/post stretching.

I'm drinking plenty of water and eating a healthy diet. I don't know what gives with my darn calves!

try googling compartment syndrome or ask your doc about it,hope its not but that happened to me after a lay of.
I had the same problems with my calves when I run. So I just stopped running and switch to doing eliptical and stationery bikes. I know its tough to stop running but I had to. My calves were swelling and hurting everyday. I used Bengay creme and patch but it didn't work. Once I switched to a different exercise, the pain went away. Maybe try switching up a little bit sometimes.