Anyway on Monday, I did a max heart rate test. This works by warming up for about 10 minutes, and then doing an all out full force workout for 20 minutes, to the point where you are exhausted at the end of the workout. Then you take your average heart rate over that time- mine was 168 bpm- and divide that number by .9, and when you divide by a number smaller than 1, it gives you a larger number, so I ended up with a max heart rate of about 185.
That sounds more like a lactate threshold test. Actually that's pretty much exactly what you do to get your approximate lactate threshold, at least until you get to the point where you get your average, you just don't do that extra math at the end.
You reach your lactate threshhold about about 90% of you MHM.
From what I've read, I have gathered that basically I need to stay between 60-80% of my max heart rate during excercise, but preferably between 60-70? Is this right?
Also I am still not quite sure how I can work out my maximum heart rate to calculate this; 220-age is 201 for me, but FatGuyTri says this is not very accurate?
I really do only need to know it in very basic terms or I get a bit lost Thanks for the replies though people!