Optimum 100% Whey Protein

The taste...
The taste is good and it's probably one of the most cost effective proteins out there. I can get a 10lb bag for $47.99 but I've seen it cheaper.
It's only got 2carbs/serving and 24grams of protein. That's pretty much pure protein.. good IMO.
yeah, main reason is a good price for a quality protein.
I use ON's pro-complex...a little more expensive, but is also a whey, egg, casein blend, which adds to the cost a little (or at least, they feel they can charge more for it)
Optimum whey

Hi all,

Are there different flavors of the ON protein powder? Which one tastes best? I am looking for something that is not too sweet.
Christa said:
Hi all,

Are there different flavors of the ON protein powder? Which one tastes best? I am looking for something that is not too sweet.

Yeah there are a bunch of flavors, google it and any of the places you can buy it online should have the flavors. I guess the best tasting part though depends on preference.
Have any of you ever tried AST's VP2 whey? I have used it for about a year now and love it. AST was actually invited to speak about it at an ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) convention, which is a very high honor for a supplement company.
Never had ON, but I love the chocolate VP2, it tastes and smells great. I have a few friends that use all the flavors and they say they are all good.
Is ordering it online is the only way to get it? Any grocery stores or anything have this kind of stuff?
Kuja said:
Is ordering it online is the only way to get it? Any grocery stores or anything have this kind of stuff?

Yeah, some grocery stores do. GNC, vitamin world all do, etc. I don't know what you mean by "this kind of stuff though."

BUT, everything is way cheaper online, you save a boatload of money.
I'd say yes, Jakethesnake.
EVERYTHING at Wal-Mart is Generic branded, that's why it's soo cheap.
They take a quantity over quality approach...
What about Six Star body fuel whey protein with creatine? That stuff tastes great and its a protein powder with creatine already in it!!