Sport opinions on diet plan

Sport Fitness
it's not perfect, but here goes....(I have the macronutrient breakdown of it all but it I don't have it at hand to type up, but I'm pretty sure the numbers are ok for bulking).

oatmeal + tin of tuna + creatine

chicken sandwich + almonds

2 chicken sandwiches

weight gainer + flax seed oil

post workout:
protein shake + whatever mum cooks

post-post workout:
brown rice + full-fat mayo + flax seed oil

weight gainer

before bed:
cottage cheese

Does this sound like a good recipe for a bulking diet? I know you're not supposed to mix carbs with fats but I don't know how else to organise it.

I'm at school during the day so I'm a bit limited as to what I can take to eat, but I know I need to shuffle something around because it seems like too much to eat in the evenings with too little time before I go to bed, meaning I go to bed on quite a full stomach. Help?

Thanks :)
too many liquid post workout is missing protein why exactly?

what is the total calories for this? total macro nutrients?

how old are you'? how tall are you? do you have problems gaining weight, or are you 'normal' in that regard?

need more info.
it was just really the food combinations that I was asking about, because I think I have the macro-nutrient stuff sorted out. The reason I don't have protein included directly in post-post workout is because I had it in my head that brown rice was providing me with a decent enough supply of protein...which it turns out was a mis-calculation :) . I think I might have been getting confused with regular pasta which I used to use instead of brown rice. I get a lot of protein around that meal though, and it all adds up at the end of the day so would it matter that much?

As for the liquid meals, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to phisically eat enough food to get my target daily intake. And I know you're not a big fan of liquid meals but they seem to work for me, and my goal at the moment is size rather than healthiness. I will concentrate more on that when I change to a cutting cycle.

I am 18, 6'2 (ish) in height, and 13.5 stone (which I think is between 170-180 lbs). I don't think I have too much problem putting on weight but I'm definately not one of the fastest, due to a fast metabolism.