opinion on EFA pill please

Im looking at Nature's way EFA gold. It is 1350mg, and a 3:1 ratio of omega 3's to omega 6's. Here is whats in it:
Omega 3's 1.5G
ALA 890mg
EPA 340mg
DHA 225mg
Omega 9's
OA 500mg
Omega 6's
LA 284mg
GLA 200mg

It contains Fish, flax, borage and olive oil. The few other ingredients are natural, not crap

I was looking for some opinions on this supplement. It comes in 90 pills for 15.79

Thanks for any input
ehh, the ALA doesn't really do much for you. the body has to use enzymes to convert ALA to EPA and DHA, and it does so at a poor exchange rate.
I would try to find something that is straight up fish oil. I buy mine at Sam's club cuz I can get like, 260caps for $30 or so and its enterically coated (no fish burps).

I'm not saying what you found is crap...just that it has some extra stuff that might not be worth the steeper price. That bottle wouldn't last you a month.
I work in a pharmacy, and just purchased:

Liquid Omega-3 Super Concentrate with Vitamins A&D - 28servings

*Each serving contains:
Deodourized fish oil concentrate (anchovy, sardine)..........4550mg
Omega-3 Fatty Acids..................................................2383mg
Vit D3........................................................................200iu
Vit A.........................................................................2500iu

Regular Price - 18.49 plus GST

I got it for 30% off because I work there so it came out to around 12 bucks.

I have not used it yet as I am finishing my caps, but I am skeptical about its "fresh orange taste".......:beerchug: