Sport Online Nutrition Degrees

Sport Fitness
Hi there.

I know my topic is a bit off-track. But I thought this would be the best platform to reach health freaks !!

Since a long time i have been thinking of getting a degree in nutrition. Already being a fitness trainer, a nutrition degree would surely give a lift to my career. But time comstraints never allowed me to get an admission in a college because of my topsy turvy schedule.

So after asking a few colleagues and friends, i have finally decided to study online and get an online nutrition degree. While searching on the internet i found out this website which was very helpful and i m certainly looking for feedback from u guyz.

Check it out and provide me with valuable feedback regarding my career.

Online degrees are a joke.

Did you know I'm an ordained minister? Yep. Some online church ordained me knowing nothing more than my first & last name.

Its real, but at the same time, nobody will EVER take it seriously.