One HEAPING Scoop?

Hey so I just got the ON Pro Complex Gainer, but it says that one serving size is a HEAPING Scoop.

I just saw the scoop and it looked HUGE, not as big as I was expecting, despite the use of the word "heaping"

Anyway, can I just use my regular size scoop from my old whey protein I just finished? I know I'll be getting less obviously, but does anyone know how much less? There is no way I am going to use that other huge scoop.

Thanks for any help.
You bought a weight-gainer, which is mostly just sugar. So to get THAT many calories you're going to need a huge amount. The worst part is, they judge the protein by that amount. So you're getting much less per serving, which is why I say weight gainer is a waste of money. If you want to gain weight that bad, make your protein quota and eat your ass off.
Yeah I 2nd that. If you want to gain weight, up all your food, protein, clean carbs, fats...everything. I want to stress up'ing your fat as well because that will help your joints while you are bulking.
Damn alright thanks for the advice, wish I had known that before though. It just sounded good on another post I had read (same thing as whey protein, just a lot more carbs), so I jumped on it. Good to know for the future though. Thanks again.