One-A-Day Women's Active Motabolism.


New member
I am seventeen years old, 5"3', and 170 pounds, and I feel over weight. I want to loose weight very badly, because it would be healthy for me. and I want to give my boyfriend a body that is more toned, and able to exersice with him and keep up..... hummm hmmm..... Belly fat is a problem, for me. So are my arms.. I am a cheerleader, but my team hardly every practices. and with an 8 class day at school, a job, practice, and taking care of my grandparents, exercise is not something that I have time for. All I want to know if taking these vitamins are safe for me to take. I will only take half a pill at first and see what sort of effect it has on my body. I am scared because I have heard that women who diet young, quickly and easily gain weight when they are older. So if any one out there has any advice, please let me know. I am desperate for a flat tummy, and better toned arms... :)
Originally Posted by ShelbieHope0218

I am seventeen years old, 5"3', and 170 pounds, and I feel over weight. I want to loose weight very badly, because it would be healthy for me. and I want to give my boyfriend a body that is more toned, and able to exersice with him and keep up..... hummm hmmm..... Belly fat is a problem, for me. So are my arms.. I am a cheerleader, but my team hardly every practices. and with an 8 class day at school, a job, practice, and taking care of my grandparents, exercise is not something that I have time for. All I want to know if taking these vitamins are safe for me to take. I will only take half a pill at first and see what sort of effect it has on my body. I am scared because I have heard that women who diet young, quickly and easily gain weight when they are older. So if any one out there has any advice, please let me know. I am desperate for a flat tummy, and better toned arms... :)

You can't spot burn and body fat will reduce from all over your body, the belly being the last to go unfortunately.

Do more resistance exercises. Compound exercises, and go hard. Push yourself.

If you are finding it hard to go to a gym, look up resistance exercises. I am sure you can find 30minutes in your day to work out.

You don't need vitamins, if you have a balanced diet.

People who diet gain the weight back because they OVER EAT. Nothing else.

Sounds like your diet is bad. Fix that up first then introduce exercising.
Actually Shelbi, it is very important to take vitamins and supplements, because no matter how healthy you eat, I have learned that you can never get ALL of the nutrients that your body needs, especially if you are an athlete or just an active person in general. Yes a balanced diet and regular exercise is important, but that is why they are called SUPPLEMENTS, because they supply you with things that you may be missing from your diet, they fill your nutritional gaps.

To get all your Vit C you would have to eat 7 cups of cantalope. To get all your Vit E you would have to eat 3 Tbs of peanut butter. To get all your Vit B12 you would have to eat 4 lbs of ground beef. To get all of your Vit B6 you would have to eat 22 bananas. And the list goes on and on. I went to a Nutritionist to get all this information when I was starting my weight loss program, by the way. I deeply researched everything. My point is, supplements are important unless you plan to eat all of that and more everyday.

After speaking with my doc and nutritionist, I was recommended to Nutrilite supplements and the weight loss program which focuses on healthy eating/balanced diet like Hyung said as well as exercise.

I lost 10 pounds my first two weeks and the weight is still dropping. And I never feel hungry. (removed)
Shelbi, here is another reason why I went with the Nutrilite Vitamins. Watch this video. The Nutrilite vitamins are the green-colored ones, the One-a-Day (I used to take) are on the right, the yellow ones.

My Nutrilite rep showed me this because it shows how the One a day vitamins do not dissolve or break up in your system and you do not get the nutrients form it. The Nutrilite vitamins break up in your system immediately so you can get the nutritional benefits.

Hope this helps!! Best of luck!!
Originally Posted by livfitness

Shelbi, here is another reason why I went with the Nutrilite Vitamins. Watch this video. The Nutrilite vitamins are the green-colored ones, the One-a-Day (I used to take) are on the right, the yellow ones.

My Nutrilite rep showed me this because it shows how the One a day vitamins do not dissolve or break up in your system and you do not get the nutrients form it. The Nutrilite vitamins break up in your system immediately so you can get the nutritional benefits.

Hope this helps!! Best of luck!!

So.... how does something dissolving in water apply to digestion in the body? This is how "health" rumors start by the way.

A question about the Nutrilite vitamins: How often are they supposed to be taken each day?
Originally Posted by HyungJun


It is not BS if I have had success with it. Everyone is different and bodies respond to different things. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and anemia several years ago. Many over the counter iron pills and multivitamins were not helping me. I chose to try something else, and my iron levels improved, along with other areas that my body was deficient in.

We all have different opinions Mr. Jun. And I am not making a claim that vitamins are the quick answer. I am saying if you are going to take vitamins, make sure they are quality vitamins. I am training for a fitness competition so I am a firm believe in regular exercise and a healthy diet. I am a vegetarian and I know a lot of our health problems stem from what we eat or do not eat.

All I know is that I love the vitamins I take. I can feel a difference when I take them. So, your opinion and lack of tact, really does not influence me either way. So have a great day sir :)
If a vitamin cannot dissolve in your body, and you pass it before you reap its benefits, what is the point of taking it? Why spend money on something that is going to just sit in your stomach? Vitamins must dissolve before absorption can take place. So, for me personally, I began taking vitamins for my iron deficiency and went back for follow up appointments with no real change. My doctor and nutrionist ran some tests with the vitamins I had purchased and it revealed that my body was not obsorbing the iron because it was passing through my body before it had time to break down.

You may think it is a rumor, but I am telling you my numbers and tests will show that it is not. Again, as I said to Mr. Jun, everyone is different. I know what works for me.

Also, PLB, I take my vitamins once a day. Usually with breakfast or lunch. Nothing dramatic or crazy. I do not believe vitamins and supplements are cure for anything, but they help fill that nutritional gap for me.

They might not be your cup of tea, but my health coaches are Kinesiologists and they have provided me with a lot of information and samples that I have been able to take back to my doctor, who then gave me the go ahead.

I hope we can agree to disagree. Thanks for your question. I know not everyone is a believer in vitamins, but they have helped me. That is all :)
Sorry, my response wasn't meant to be an attack on the vitamins themselves, only the 'proof' that certain ones dissolve better in the body than others. Showing that something dissolves in water just doesn't convince me that it will be the same when in the body. If our digestive systems only used water for digestion, then yes, it would be proof that they dissolve better. I will take your word for it that your numbers showed that these vitamins have worked better for you - that's the evidence that I would believe and would make me try the vitamins.

As for the question about how often the Nutrilite vitamins are supposed to be taken, it was just curiosity. Some multi's recommend that you take them 2 or 3 times per day to space out the intake and give your body a better chance of absorbing the nutrients, instead of just passing a lot of the nutrients because it's too much for your body to handle all at once.

It's definitely not a matter of not believing in vitamins, I take a multi and fish oil every day. They all have different formulas and different ones will work better for different people.
To say the vitamin you take is better because it absorbs better/faster is a very meh. I mean, you didn't take into consideration a variety of factors such as your own metabolism, chemistry of the pill, pill form, encapsulation etc etc. So, to say the vitamin you are currently taking, Nutrilite, is the one to go for is not very convincing, especially after a REP told you and showed you a video. For all we know, your REP could of shown you a video of a vitamin pill that would have taken longest to digest and just compared it with Nutrilite. I am skeptical of all reps as they WORK FOR THE COMPANY trying to sell your THEIR PRODUCT. Unless you can show me a study to say your pill is better, then I won't believe it. And this goes for any other vitamin pill or supplement.
I take 2 centrium One A Day vitamins and I can really tell the days I take them and the days I forget. I once watched a documentary on the healing powers of big quantities of vitamins and I am totally sold on the idea. but this is just talk about vitamins in general, not one brand vs another.
Originally Posted by PLBFitness

Sorry, my response wasn't meant to be an attack on the vitamins themselves, only the 'proof' that certain ones dissolve better in the body than others. Showing that something dissolves in water just doesn't convince me that it will be the same when in the body. If our digestive systems only used water for digestion, then yes, it would be proof that they dissolve better. I will take your word for it that your numbers showed that these vitamins have worked better for you - that's the evidence that I would believe and would make me try the vitamins.

As for the question about how often the Nutrilite vitamins are supposed to be taken, it was just curiosity. Some multi's recommend that you take them 2 or 3 times per day to space out the intake and give your body a better chance of absorbing the nutrients, instead of just passing a lot of the nutrients because it's too much for your body to handle all at once.

It's definitely not a matter of not believing in vitamins, I take a multi and fish oil every day. They all have different formulas and different ones will work better for different people.

Oh, sorry. I did not think it was an attack. I was responding to someone else who said that comment was "BS." I was just simply answering your question :)

Sorry for the confusion.
Originally Posted by HyungJun

To say the vitamin you take is better because it absorbs better/faster is a very meh. I mean, you didn't take into consideration a variety of factors such as your own metabolism, chemistry of the pill, pill form, encapsulation etc etc. So, to say the vitamin you are currently taking, Nutrilite, is the one to go for is not very convincing, especially after a REP told you and showed you a video. For all we know, your REP could of shown you a video of a vitamin pill that would have taken longest to digest and just compared it with Nutrilite. I am skeptical of all reps as they WORK FOR THE COMPANY trying to sell your THEIR PRODUCT. Unless you can show me a study to say your pill is better, then I won't believe it. And this goes for any other vitamin pill or supplement.

Well, if you had read my post, I did not say anything about any vitamin being better. I was just sharing that vitamins in general are important to provide that extra supplementation. I was just telling the original poster the REASON I went with my vitamins of choice. That is all. And my "REP" showed me the same demo in person. I can understand how you think a person is just trying to sell their product, but commercials do the same thing.

It seems the issue you have is not with vitamins, but the fact that I am taking them from a representative of the company. As I said before, I am just excited about my personal results, so I gave an example of how they helped me. I am not promoting one over the other, I am just promoting the importance of taking a multi-vitamin. You can take whatever you want Mr. Jun. For me, I do not need a study to say something works or not. All I need is results :)

I do appreciate your insight and opinion though!! I truly can respect where you are coming from and what you are saying!! And I am saying that with sincerity (not sarcasm).
I do apologise if I sounded like I was bashing you. It was not my intention. And yes, of course if it worked for you, good on you and go for it!