once and for all please , my abss



my body is nice , annd well built but i have a tummy thats very annoying please any one help me get rid of it and tell me what to do !!!
You can only get abs in the kitchen. Thats not the answer you want to hear but its the truth. Most if not all people have abs. They usualy have a fat layer that blocks them from being seen. If you've worked your abs to any extent they're definitely there. You just need to get your diet in check to see them. Try breaking your meals into protein + low glucemic carbs and protein + (good) fats. If you ingest both carbs and fats in the same meal your body will only use one for energy. The only thing the other energy source can do is be stored for later energy usage, i.e. fat.

If you need to strengthen your trunk here are some tremendous trunk movements for you to do.

Rope Pull ab crunches: Attach tricep ropes to a cable cross or pulldown. Pull it so the "V" is around your neck and your hands are by your shoulders holding the rope in place. Stand straight up and bring your chest to your thighs. The key is to contract your abs as hard as you can throughout the whole rep.

Roman Chair Crunches: You might not have a roman chair but all you need is a baenc or a chair and something to lock your feet under. Sit on the bench so your're at 90 degrees to the length with your but hanging over the side. Lock your fet under something and crunch. Hold the concentric motion for a count of five. Do 6-10 reps of this. If you're not fatigued after doing them add a dumbell. Hold it underneath your chin by the sides. The key is to contract your abs as hard as you can throughout the whole rep.

Russian Twists: You can do this on a 45 degree back extension. Instead of your thighs on the pads turn around and put your hamstrings on the pads. Keep your body in a straight line and twist as far as you can, in a controlled motion, from one side to another. In the beginning you might not be able to use more than 5lbs to do this. You can use a dumbell or a medicine ball.

If you have any questions PM me.