On again, Off again

First of All, I'm new to this forum, so hello everyone. I'm a 33 y/o M, 5' 10", 210lbs. I am the type of person that will work out for 3 months and eat very good, and get into great shape and then I hit a wall and end up back in old habbits of eating pizza, wings and fast food on a regular basis for 6 months or better. I just started dieting and working out again, but this time I want to maintain it for good.

Does anyone else suffer from the same "syndrome?"
And has anyone overcome it? How?

Thanks for reading.

Well you can try setting goals, short term and long term. This may be one way to stay motivated. Another possibility is this ... when you do feel tempted to eat unhealthy foods, stop and ask yourself if that is really what you want to do. I'm not saying your diet should be 100 % perfect, but eating unhealthy food should be the exception and not the rule. Here's hoping you stick with it this time. Best of luck
I agree with jpc. The best way to stay motivated is to set short and long term goals and be sure to track your progress. You are only human and I can bet that 95% of the people on this site have jumped off the wagon at some point.

Do you jump right into a diet when you start. Like, do you cut your calorie intake drasitcally to try and attempt to get quick results or overtrain yourself in the gym? This will lead to quitting.

I'd suggest you post your plan of attack, diet and train routine, so we can see how we may be able to help you stick with your plan.
I go from 0-60 in a days time.

2 weeks ago a day in my life would consist of
Coffee and doughnut for breakfast.
Cheesesteak and fries for lunch.
Pizza for dinner.
I snacked on pastries and chips.
I drank 4-5 cups of coffee / day and 3-4 cans of diet soda / day.
I also drank 2-3 cans of beer at night sitting in front of the TV.

Now it looks like this,
Scrambled eggs, 1 yolk 3 whites and cofee for breakfast.
Salad with chicken breast for lunch with lite dressing.
Lean meat or fish and green veggies for dinner.

I drink 2 gallons of water / day.
I snack on low salt nuts and reduced fat cheese.
I drink only 1-2 cups of coffee / day and only drink a diet soda w/ lunch and dinner.
I only have a beer every other night or so.

I work out 6 days a week.
3 weight training with a bowflex. I aslo do 15 min HIIT on a tread. (hills and sprints)
I do lower intensity 30 minute jogs/walks the other 3 days.

My weight training consists of
6 sets chest
5 sets triceps
4 sets biceps
5 sets shoulders
3 sets back
and abs here and there.

I work each muscle every time I lift.

I only use a few sups.

Whey protein 1 hour after workouts and creatine 1 hour before bed.
Mmmmm... wings! Oh, man... thanks for the craving! j/k

Everyone runs off course from time to time. You just have to update your goals frequently! You can do it!
jeff_pa said:
First of All, I'm new to this forum, so hello everyone. I'm a 33 y/o M, 5' 10", 210lbs. I am the type of person that will work out for 3 months and eat very good, and get into great shape and then I hit a wall and end up back in old habbits of eating pizza, wings and fast food on a regular basis for 6 months or better. I just started dieting and working out again, but this time I want to maintain it for good.

Does anyone else suffer from the same "syndrome?"
And has anyone overcome it? How?

Thanks for reading.

You might try positive peer pressure. I took 4 years off form the gym and ate garbage. At the time I stopped workin out, I was in the best shape of my life. Then I let the excuses take hold:( . My wife and I ate whatever we wanted. Her and my oldest daughter were overweight, and I was a scrawny, flabby mess. What is helpin me stay the course this time is the people around me. My wife and I both exercise and eat right, and my daughter has even gotten into it. My 2 best friends lift, so we talk fitness. It's great having positive peer pressure. Because healthy living is a lifestyle. Look around you. Most of your family and friends probably share similiar habits. If that's the case, either recruit them, or add some new friends that are into workin out. That should help a lot.