On a warm sunny day, do you follow the clothing recommendations against sunburn?

On a warm sunny day, do you follow the clothing recommendations against sunburn?

Typical recommendation:

Wear protective clothing, such as a long-sleeved shirt, pants, a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses, where possible.

Sometimes, the suggestion includes clothing that is dark in color and tightly woven.

Ya know....the "burka" is really all about one thing: deliberately removing ALL potential enticing elements of the female body so as to ensure the least amount of liklihood that another hairy-ape barbaric middle-eastern won't rape your woman.

It's not about sun protection, it's not about religion, it's not about traditional ethnic clothing....it's about covering-up anything that might give rise to the woman getting raped. Because once the woman is raped, even though she's the victim and had nothing to do with it, she'll be cast out of her family and tossed to the wolves. You gotta love Islam. Praise Allah, his work be done!
My favorite type of clothing. It's like what's under there, I wonder? You don't know if they're going forward or backwards. The excitement kills me. ;)